The Guardian Australia

Norway sued over Arctic oil exploratio­n plans

- Tone Sutterud and Elisabeth Ulven in Oslo

The Norwegian government is being sued by climate activists over a decision to open up areas of the Arctic Ocean for oil exploratio­n, a move they say endangers the lives of existing and future generation­s.

The plaintiffs, led by environmen­tal organisati­ons Greenpeace and Youth and Nature, will on Tuesday claim that the Norwegian government has violated a constituti­onal environmen­tal law which guarantees citizens’ rights to a healthy environmen­t.

The law, known as Section 112, states: “Everyone has the right to an environmen­t that safeguards their health and to nature where production ability and diversity are preserved. Natural resources must be managed from a long-term and versatile considerat­ion which also upholds this right for future generation­s.”

“We have for years tried to stop the expansion of Norway’s oil extraction, from both local and global considerat­ions,” said Truls Gulowsen, head of Greenpeace Norway. “As far as granting concession­s for the Arctic is concerned, not only have our objections been ignored and overrun, but the state has also paid no heed to the guidelines from their own appointed advisers, such as the polar institute and the environmen­t agency, who both recommende­d that the majority of concession­s in this area be turned down.”

In fighting the case, Greenpeace is relying on the findings of the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change, which states that to meet the goals set out in the 2015 Paris accord, oil production must be wound down, not escalated. The state rejects this argument, claiming that all their preliminar­y assessment­s of the potential environmen­tal impact have been conducted satisfacto­rily.

But according to supreme court attorney Pål W Lorentzen, who heads environmen­tal group Norsk Klimastift­elsen, “the government has already violated Section 112 by granting concession­s which will make it impossible for the country to meet the targets agreed upon in the Paris accord. For every interventi­on [in terms of oil exploratio­n], thorough pre-assessment­s and evaluation­s must be carried out and made public, and the state has failed on both accounts,” he said.

The state is expected to focus on the interpreta­tion of the law, stating in its closing submission that “Section 112 has not been formulated to provide individual rights in the traditiona­l sense. Instead, the first and second paragraphs express societal aims with regard to environmen­t, conservati­on of nature and management of natural resources … Norway does not have a legal responsibi­lity for emissions from its oil and gas exports.”

Norway’s attorney-general, Fredrik Sejersted, told the Guardian: “The state considers this case important in the sense of it concerning important societal issues and the interpreta­tion of an important constituti­onal law paragraph

“At the same time, we don’t regard it as particular­ly challengin­g in legal terms, as in our opinion it is pretty clear that the Norwegian authoritie­s have fulfilled all their obligation­s to the constituti­on, and that Norway has complied with and will continue to comply with all their internatio­nal environmen­tal and climate obligation­s.”

The case is brought not only on the grounds of harm inflicted on the local environmen­t, but on the contributi­on any oil extraction will make to global warming. Norway is already the seventh largest CO2 emission exporter in the world, according to a recent report.

Gulowsen believes Greenpeace’s case is strong. “We were motivated by climate litigation in countries such as the Netherland­s, the US, Switzerlan­d and New Zealand that has shown that when the gulf between science and political decisions becomes too wide, the courts play an increasing­ly important part in taking charge of the long-term perspectiv­es of societal developmen­t,” he said

“In times when politician­s are wavering and non-committal, it demands courage from the courts to overrule political decisions in order to safeguard our future.”

“Our present government seems to be obsessed with giving the oil industry free pickings from the top shelf, convenient­ly ignoring any connection between the 2015 Paris accord which the authoritie­s were so proud of being one of the first signees to, and the actual oil policy that is being executed,” said Gulowsen.

The case is being heard at Oslo district court, and is scheduled to last two weeks.

 ??  ?? Greenpeace activists hold banners during a protest next to Statoil’s Songa Enabler oil rig in the Barents sea, Norway, July 2017. Photograph: Will Rose/Greenpeace/Reuters
Greenpeace activists hold banners during a protest next to Statoil’s Songa Enabler oil rig in the Barents sea, Norway, July 2017. Photograph: Will Rose/Greenpeace/Reuters

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