The Guardian Australia

The four-day working week is back on the agenda. I've done it for years: here's what I learned

- Vivienne Pearson Vivienne Pearson is a freelance writer who tweets at @VivienneWr­iter

There is an irrational sense that our five-day, 38ish-hour work week is chiselled in stone. Yet “normal” working hours used to be 12 hours a day, six days a week. Happy we’re not still there? Work and life has changed so much, there is no reason why work hours should be ruled by labour reforms from the 1800s.

Thanks to a suggestion from Jacinda Ardern, the four-day working week is back on the agenda. And rightly so.

I worked four days a week for nearly two decades; both before and after becoming a parent, across three employers and four distinct roles. Here’s what I’ve learned.

My experience echoes that of companies that have found shorter weeks result in greater productivi­ty. Some of this is directly measurable. Having a weekday available meant I never had to make personal calls or schedule dentist appointmen­ts during work time. I had no need to stretch lunch breaks for a haircut or shopping. I was motivated to not waste time with lengthy water cooler conversati­ons.

Before I became a parent, an “extra day” allowed time for shopping locally, visiting elderly relatives and having a proper hobby alongside relaxation, socialisin­g and (shudder) housework.

After having children, both my husband and I aimed to do work four days a week. He faced far more prejudice and opposition than I did, with direct and implied accusation­s that he wasn’t serious about work and that parenting shouldn’t be his priority. That’s an attitude that needs to change.

Having fathers routinely home for a whole weekday when their partner is at work may well prove to be the kick needed to shift stubborn gender inequaliti­es in parenting and household chores.

Thanks to technology, work is becoming increasing­ly flexible anyway. Recent pandemic-filled months we have made us all realise just how unset-in-stone our routines and assumption­s are.

Of course, there are potential downsides of a four-day week, but this doesn’t mean the idea should be dismissed. On a societal level, the impact of enforced four-day working weeks on low-income workers is a real risk that needs to be addressed through increases to the minimum wage.

I was fortunate to be able to cover my expenses with 30 hours of work rather than 38 (though, as a healthcare worker and administra­tor, I’m talking about an average income, not a high one). My decision not to seek extra hours was psychologi­cal as well as economic. We all find it hard to cope with a drop in income but, because I only ever worked four days, that is what I got used to.

At times, I had to be flexible in order to attend a meeting on my “day off” but, hey, that’s what a time-in-lieu system is for. There were times I felt pressured to do a full- time job in four days. Sometimes, missing a day felt akin to missing a week. But this was no worse than pressures felt by full-timers and I had the luxury of more time to recover. Then there’s the important question: which day do you want off ?

Most people immediatel­y say Friday. I understand the instinctiv­e appeal but, after trialling pretty much every combinatio­n, my preference is not working Mondays.

When I didn’t work on Friday, I tried to make the day a mini-weekend then felt strangely discombobu­lated on Saturday (#firstworld­problem). In contrast, having Mondays off gave me a “bonus day” every weekend. I also missed the weekly workplace dose of Monday-itis but got to be around for Friday fun.

I know people who prefer breaking up the week by not working Wednesdays but I found this made life too bitsy. When a four-day week becomes standard, some will have to bravely accept what I consider the shortstraw of having a Tuesday or Thursday off. Regardless of the day, I was happiest when I could choose, finding myself resentful when work circumstan­ces forced my hand.

After abandoning direct employment for the joys of freelancin­g, I can now, technicall­y, work whenever I like (cue: cries of hilarity from fellow freelancer­s). But during my decades of regular employment, four days was my main – and ideal – way of working, and I will sing its praises and encourage everyone to do likewise.

 ?? Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo ?? Having a weekday available means never having to make personal calls or schedule dentist appointmen­ts during worktime.
Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo Having a weekday available means never having to make personal calls or schedule dentist appointmen­ts during worktime.

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