The Guardian Australia

Australia's anguish: the Indigenous kids trapped behind bars

- Lorena Allam and Laura Murphy-Oates

On an average night in 2019, there were 949 children behind bars in Australia – more than half of them were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Of all 10-year-olds incarcerat­ed, 80% were Aboriginal children.

Aboriginal kids make up only 6% of all 10- to 17-year-olds in Australia but they are 54% of the juvenile detention population.

They are jailed at 22 times the rate of non-Indigenous young people. And they are jailed younger. In 2019 nearly65% of children under 14 in detention were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

Study after study has shown that contact with the criminal justice system at a young age can do lasting damage to children, their families and communitie­s.

The younger a child is the first time they’re sentenced, the more likely they are to reoffend violently, to continue offending and to end up in an adult prison before their 22nd birthday. According to a 2016 report by the Sentencing Advisory Council, 94% of children in detention aged 10 to 12 returned to prison before they were 18.

The collective anguish about Aboriginal children trapped in the juvenile justice system is expressed in the Uluru statement from the heart:

Guardian Australia today launches Childhood in custody, a series about how juvenile justice operates in Australia, as told by those who live and work in the system.

A Noongar boy, homeless since the age of 14, talks about the terror of his first night in jail, but how it was better than sleeping on the streets. A stolen generation­s parent who has experience­d police violence watches his son face similar treatment. Police in two states talk about wanting to move beyond a culture of targeting Aboriginal kids. A youth worker tries to stem the tide of children going from foster care to jail, with little funding, while a magistrate expresses frustratio­n at the limited options he has to help kids out of the system. They all talk about what they have seen and what they would like to see change.

A psychologi­st and Nyamal woman, Dr Tracy Westerman, says prison doesn’t teach 10-year-old children anything but can make existing problems worse.

“Kids don’t have the internal ability to weigh out moral reasoning at that age,” she says. “You lack the ability to regulate thoughts, behaviours and emotions. Quite often, you can be highly impulsive, you can have impulse control issues.

“Imagine putting that kind of person in an environmen­t with hundreds of other kids that are the same.”

Many Aboriginal children in detention have at least one neurologic­al impairment.

In Westerman’s home state of Western Australia, a 2018 study found that almost every child in detention was “severely impaired” in at least one brain function, be it memory, language, attention or executive function – which limited their ability to plan and understand consequenc­es.

The study of 99 children in Banskia Hill detention centre found nine out of 10 kids had some cognitive impairment, and one in three had foetal alcohol spectrum disorder – the highest known rate in the world of FASD among any population in the justice system. Seventy-four per cent of the children in the study were Aboriginal.

“Impairment­s may come across in behaviours with young people appearing wilfully naughty, defiant, or lazy, when in reality they may been be struggling to remember, understand or comprehend what is required of them,” the researcher­s wrote.

In his 14 years as president of the children’s court of Western Australia, Denis Reynolds says he regularly saw Aboriginal children aged 10 to 13 who were so small “they could hardly see over the dock” and who had “serious neuro-developmen­tal impairment”.

“We’re saying they’re bad kids,” says the judge, who is now retired. “What we should be saying is these kids are crying out for support and we need to be providing it.”

Out-of-home care and punitive policing

Studies show a strong link between the time children spend in out-of-home care and juvenile detention.

From 2014 to 2019 more than half of the young people who had been in the justice system had also received child protection services. Aboriginal and Islander children are overrepres­ented in the out-of-home care system in every jurisdicti­on in Australia.

Aboriginal children are also disproport­ionately targeted by punitive policing. In New South Wales, for example, Indigenous kids are significan­tly overrepres­ented in the number of strip-searches conducted by police.

NSW police have also been operating a secretive blacklist known as the suspect target management plan, or STMP, largely made up of Indigenous children – 72% – deemed to be at risk of committing crimes.

The NSW Law Enforcemen­t Conduct Commission found that many of the children, some as young as nine, had not been charged with a crime and were not aware they were a target.

Between 2017 and 2019 the state’s highest concentrat­ion of kids subject to the STMP were in the western Sydney suburb of Mount Druitt.

At 13 Isaiah Sines was strip-searched by police on his way to the shops in the suburb. Isaiah says he was told to strip down to his underpants on the side of a busy road.

“It was embarrassi­ng,” he says. “I didn’t know what to do so I just complied.”

Isaiah doesn’t know if he was on the STMP but says there were periods when police stopped him almost daily. One day he was stopped twice, by the same officers. The first time he was strip-searched. The second time he was questioned.

The age of criminal responsibi­lity

Increasing the minimum age of criminal responsibi­lity from 10 to 14 could lead to a decrease of about 15% in the number of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in detention, according to the 2020 Productivi­ty Commission report, Overcoming Indigenous Disadvanta­ge.

But government­s – with the exception of the Australian Capital Territory’s – are reluctant to act, citing community safety concerns.

In November 2018 the Council of Attorneys-General agreed to consider raising the age. But when the council met again last July it decided that further work was needed “on adequate processes and services for children who exhibit offending behaviour”.

“There is a significan­t risk that a simple increase to the minimum age of criminal responsibi­lity would leave this cohort of children without proper support services,” said South Australia’s attorney general, Vickie Chapman.

Her NSW counterpar­t, Mark Speakman, said any reforms “would need to be in the best interests of the NSW community, with the safety of the community a key considerat­ion”. It’s a view shared by many states. But Queensland’s attorney general, Sharon Fentiman, said bluntly: “There are no plans to raise the age of criminal responsibi­lity in Queensland.”

The Northern Territory government said it was considerin­g how to raise the age from 10 to 12 years, as recommende­d by the royal commission into the protection and detention of children in the NT.

All but one of the 32 kidsnowin juvenile detention in the NT are Aboriginal boys. There have been numerous times over the past decade when every single child in detention in the territory is Aboriginal. The NT is building a $55m replacemen­t for the muchmalign­ed Don Dale youth detention centre, which is due to open in 2022, and spending $13m on the Alice Springs youth detention centre.

In August the ACT became the first and only jurisdicti­on to commit to raising the age to 14, by promising to amend legislatio­n in the next parliament­ary term.

“Locking up kids fails the children themselves and it also fails to protect our community,” said the ACT’s attor

ney general, Shane Rattenbury. “If we want to reduce future offending, expanded support and diversion is the way.”

So what else works?

Circle sentencing works, according to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.

The restorativ­e justice program is available in 12 NSW local courts. The magistrate works with Aboriginal elders, victims and the offender’s family to determine an appropriat­e sentence.

In April Bocsar found that Aboriginal people who take part have lower rates of imprisonme­nt and recidivism than those who are sentenced in the usual way.

Some states also have their version of the NSW youth Koori court, which was establishe­d in 2015. Elders, lawyers and police meet to discuss the issues that may lie behind a young person’s offending. They develop plans for each offender. Participan­ts have up to 12 months to complete the program and their performanc­e is taken into account during the sentencing process.

Both these options are for sentencing. But the youth worker Daniel Daylight says waiting for kids to come to court and plead guilty is starting way too late.

“I want to stop people from ever going to court. I want to stop us focusing on having culturally safe courts, when really we need to have culturally safe communitie­s and cities.”

Tracy Westerman says therapeuti­c approaches are needed, to diagnose and manage children’s developmen­tal issues, to divert them away from the justice system. Ultimately, jailing 10year-olds puts Australia behind internatio­nal human rights standards.

“When do we lose our compassion for a child who is being abused or traumatise­d in their home?” she asks. “Well, effectivel­y Australia says we lose that compassion at 10.”

 ?? Photograph: David Dare Parker/The Guardian ?? Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are jailed at 22 times the rate of nonIndigen­ous young people.
Photograph: David Dare Parker/The Guardian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are jailed at 22 times the rate of nonIndigen­ous young people.
 ??  ?? A cell at Banksia Hill detention centre in Perth. A study of 99 children there found nine out of 10 kids had some cognitive impairment – and 74% were Aboriginal
A cell at Banksia Hill detention centre in Perth. A study of 99 children there found nine out of 10 kids had some cognitive impairment – and 74% were Aboriginal

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