The Guardian Australia

Biodiversi­ty loss is a risk to the global financial system

- Geoff Summerhaye­s and Laura Waterford

Corporate Australia is familiar with the concept that climate change presents a financial risk to the global economy, but more recently biodiversi­ty loss has emerged as an equally important risk.

In fact, climate change and biodiversi­ty loss are now often referred to as the “twin crises” facing the global financial system and awareness of the role the financial sector plays in this is rising swiftly.

Crucially, a recent global review on the economics of biodiversi­ty commission­ed by the UK government, often referred to as “The Dasgupta review”, concluded that our economic system is dependent on biodiversi­ty. This fact is rightly of concern to the financial sector, given the world’s biodiversi­ty is declining faster than at any other time in human history, and an estimated 1 million species are at risk of extinction.

Just last month the G7 climate and environmen­t ministers acknowledg­ed “with grave concern that the unpreceden­ted and interdepen­dent crises of climate change and biodiversi­ty loss pose an existentia­l threat to nature, people, prosperity and security”.

There are potential parallels between nature risk and other responsibi­lities of financial institutio­ns, like anti-money-laundering requiremen­ts. Just as financial institutio­ns have a responsibi­lity to ensure that they are not a conduit for money used to do harm through criminal activity, there is a growing sense that the finance sector has a responsibi­lity to manage the economic risks associated with nature degradatio­n – and ensure they are not a conduit for finance that is destroying nature.

In this context, an internatio­nal Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure­s (TNFD) launched last month. Over the next two years, the TNFD will develop a framework for corporatio­ns and financial institutio­ns to report on nature-related physical and transition risks that include immediate, material financial risks, as well as nature dependenci­es and impacts and related organisati­onal and societal risks.

This ambitious scope of work has already been endorsed by the G7 finance ministers and, with the TNFD officially under way, nature risk will ascend quickly to claim its place alongside climate risk at the top of board agendas.

This is relevant to Australian company directors because, like the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure­s before it, the recommenda­tions of the TNFD are likely to catalyse an expectatio­n from regulatory authoritie­s and investors that corporates will make increasing­ly sophistica­ted disclosure­s on nature risk.

Ultimately, the TNFD also has the potential to divert the flow of capital throughout the global financial system away from activities that cause the destructio­n of nature, or are “naturenega­tive”, and towards those that are “nature-positive”.

Perhaps most importantl­y for Australian company directors, the discourse on nature risk now appears to be at a similar point to climate risk half a decade ago – when the seminal legal opinion by Noel Hutley SC and Sebastian Hartford-Davis on directors’ duties and climate risk was published.

This means that, depending on the particular facts of the case, it is possible a court could find that nature risks are capable of representi­ng a foreseeabl­e risk of harm to the interests of Australian companies today. It follows that a director who fails to properly consider these risks could be held personally liable for breaching their “duty of due care and diligence” to the company under the Corporatio­ns Act, to the extent that the risks intersect with the interests of the company.

It is arguable that this duty already exists because many of the factors that informed 2016 climate risk opinion are now also true for nature risk, or may be in the near future.

For example, there is a body of evidence which demonstrat­es that Australia is exposed to nature-related physical risks given the fragile state of ecosystems such as the Great Barrier Reef and the Murray–Darling basin. Reduced ecosystem function (for example, a reduction in ecosystem services such as pollinatio­n, temperatur­e regulation or water purificati­on) and its effects – that is, the associated physical risks – are already intersecti­ng with the interests of Australian companies.

One example of physical nature-related risk is pollinator colony collapse. Around one-third of our food is pollinated by bees and their pollinatio­n services are worth several billion dollars a year to the agricultur­e sector. However, bee population­s across Europe, the US and China have been devastated, and it is foreseeabl­e that Australia could be next.

Our bees are under threat from outbreaks of disease and parasites, as well as a long list of other pressures such as pollution, the use of pesticides, intensive agricultur­e, the introducti­on of alien species and climate change. This is a material risk for many Australian businesses throughout the agricultur­al supply chain, and directors should be considerin­g how it could affect the financial position of their companies.

In terms of transition risks, there is the potential shift in investor and consumer behaviour to consider. Consumer preference for sustainabi­lity conscious products has been growing for some time.

On the investment front, widespread interest in Climate Asset Management – a recent joint venture by Pollinatio­n and HSBC that aims to invest more than US$6 billion into natural capital – has demonstrat­ed that there is emerging appetite for investment in nature-positive assets at scale. It is likely only a matter of time before divestment from nature-negative assets follows.

Finally, if a new biodiversi­ty framework is agreed at the UN Biodiversi­ty Conference in October this year as expected, directors may also need to consider regulatory transition risk in the context of both Australia and our major trading partners.

When all of these factors are taken together, it is clear that nature risk will become the next climate risk. Australian directors should take steps now to avoid being caught flat-footed on nature risk.

Geoff Summerhaye­s is a senior advisor at pollinatio­n, and former executive board member of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (Apra). Laura Waterford is an environmen­tal lawyer and associate at Pollinatio­n

 ??  ?? Climate change and biodiversi­ty loss are now often referred to as the ‘twin crises’ facing the global financial system. Photograph: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images
Climate change and biodiversi­ty loss are now often referred to as the ‘twin crises’ facing the global financial system. Photograph: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images

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