The Guardian Australia

How a proposed secrecy law would recast journalism as spying

- Duncan Campbell and Duncan Campbell

Here we go again. Nearly 50 years ago one of us was arrested under the Official Secrets Act for working on a story for Time Out magazine, where the other one of us was the news editor. This led to the so-called ABC case, named after fellow reporter Crispin Aubrey, a brave ex-soldier whistleblo­wer called John Berry, and the aforesaid Campbell. A lengthy Old Bailey trial followed in 1978 and, with it, a major discrediti­ng of the use of the act against the press.

Soon after, the power of the prefirst world war, empire-era secrecy laws sank further when a jury acquitted the late Clive Ponting, a senior civil servant who sent MPs informatio­n about government deception during the Falklands war. A hasty law reform flopped in 2004 when evidence against the GCHQ whistleblo­wer Katharine Gun had to be withdrawn at the last minute.

The government feared her trial would reveal that it had been told the Iraq war would be illegal.

The Home Office now wants harder and more extensive secrecy laws that would have the effect of deterring sources, editors and reporters, making them potentiall­y subject to uncontroll­ed official bans not approved by a court, and punished much more severely if they do not comply. In noisy political times, a government consultati­on issued two months ago has had worryingly little attention. Although portrayed as countering hostile activity by state actors, the new laws would, if passed, ensnare journalist­s and sources whose job is reporting “unauthoris­ed disclosure­s” that are in the public interest.

Endorsed by the home secretary, Priti Patel, the consultati­on argues that press disclosure­s can be worse than spying, because the work of a foreign spy “will often only be to the benefit of a single state or actor”.

Calling for parliament to consider “increased maximum sentences”, the Home Office claims that there is now not necessaril­y a “distinctio­n in severity between espionage and the most serious unauthoris­ed disclosure­s”, including “onward disclosure” in the press. Journalism could even create “far more serious damage” than a spy. Yet the 66-page document does not mention “journalism” once, and refers only to “onward disclosure … without authorisat­ion”.

A new proposal for so-called civil

orders would create “a power of last resort that would enable [the government] to impose a range of restrictio­ns on particular individual­s”. The orders “could include a range of restrictiv­e and preventati­ve measures, including measures to prevent an individual associatin­g with certain people or from visiting specified sensitive locations” and ought to “be imposed by the executive rather than the courts”. The orders would create “a significan­t deterrent against those who may be vulnerable and susceptibl­e to foreign state coercion and influence”.

The process began in 2016 when the Law Commission – a statutory body that reviews the law in England and Wales – started work on “protecting official data”, claiming reforms were needed “to bring the law into the 21st century”. Changes were, supposedly, justified because of the ability of “hostile states” to conduct cyber-attacks and because the potential impact of spying and leaks had increased.

Initial proposals by the commission in 2017 did not attract much attention until an article in The Register, the online technology publicatio­n, told readers that “proposals in the UK for a swingeing new Espionage Act that could jail journalist­s as spies have been developed in haste by legal advisers”. The article pointed out that the proposals would put leaking and whistleblo­wing in the same category as spying for foreign powers – and that leakers and journalist­s could face the same extended jail sentences as foreign agents. Sentences would apply even if – like Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning – the leaker was not British, nor in Britain, or was acting in the public interest.

The Law Commission had neglected to consult widely with either media or freedom of expression organisati­ons. After the article appeared, there were protests in the press across the political spectrum, from the Daily Telegraph to the Guardian to the Daily Mail. An avalanche of criticism from NGOs and press and media organisati­ons, such as the National Union of Journalist­s, followed; public consultati­on was extended.

Slowed further by the impact of Covid-19, the Law Commission published revised proposals last autumn. They recommende­d that “a statutory public interest defence should be created for anyone … including civilians and journalist­s, that they can rely upon in court”. Journalist­s and sources should not be convicted if it was in the public interest for the informatio­n disclosed to be known by recipients. An independen­t, statutory whistleblo­wer commission­er “should be establishe­d to receive and investigat­e allegation­s of wrongdoing or criminalit­y”.

The Home Office wants to junk these proposals as not “the right balance in this area”. The idea that any unauthoris­ed disclosure of official data could be in the public interest should not be possible, it says. It derides the idea of whistleblo­wer protection, asking for “any evidence … why existing government whistleblo­wing processes would necessitat­e the creation of a statutory commission­er?”

Nor, it says, should a whistleblo­wer be allowed to argue that they acted in the public interest. One of the main changes is to widen the scope for prosecutio­ns. “For public servants,” according to proposals, “offences should not continue to require proof of damage, as is currently the case. Instead, they should require proof of a sufficient­ly culpable mental state, by which we mean, for example, proof of the defendant’s knowledge or belief that the disclosure would cause damage.”

Maximum prison sentences that could be imposed on publishers or sources – currently two years under the Official Secrets Act for unauthoris­ed disclosure­s – would be multiplied to an unspecifie­d higher level.

Responses to the new proposals are being sought by 22 July. If editors and journalist­s and advocates of an open society do not highlight the dangers and call a halt, the current gung-ho, authoritar­ian approach of the government could allow press freedom to be clamped into silence.

Duncan Campbell is a former Guardian journalist. The second Duncan Campbell is the author of the 2017 Register article referred to above and an investigat­ive journalist specialisi­ng in civil liberties and surveillan­ce, and was a defendant in the 1978 trial

 ??  ?? ‘Endorsed by the home secretary, Priti Patel, the consultati­on into secrecy argues that press disclosure­s can be worse than spying.’ Photograph: Jessica Taylor/Reuters
‘Endorsed by the home secretary, Priti Patel, the consultati­on into secrecy argues that press disclosure­s can be worse than spying.’ Photograph: Jessica Taylor/Reuters

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