The Guardian Australia

Iran accuses journalist­s who reported Mahsa Amini’s death of spying for CIA

- Deepa Parent

Two female journalist­s who were instrument­al in reporting the death of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old woman whose death in the custody of Iran’s morality police has sparked nationwide protests, have been labelled as CIA foreign agents by the Iranian regime.

Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi, who were arrested shortly after news broke of Amini’s death and who are reportedly being held in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, were accused of being foreign agents in a joint statement released by Iran’s ministry of intelligen­ce and the intelligen­ce organisati­on of the Islamic Revolution­ary Guards last night.

The statement, which refers to the two women as NH and EM,also described the protests as a pre-planned operation launched by the CIA, Mossad and other western intelligen­ce agencies.

The statement, which accused both women of being “primary sources of news for foreign media”, accused Hamedi of posing as a journalist and of compelling the family of Mahsa Amini to release informatio­n about their daughter’s death.

Hamedi was the first journalist to report from the hospital where Amini was being treated after collapsing while in the custody of Iranian authoritie­s, who arrested her for wearing her hijab incorrectl­y.

Mohammadi has been accused by the IRGC and the intelligen­ce ministry of receiving training as a foreign agent abroad for her reporting from Amini’s funeral in her home town of Saqqez.

Mohammadi was arrested on 22 September and her lawyer said security forces broke down her door and took away personal items such as her phone and laptop.

The statement, which was sent to Iranian news agencies on Friday evening, has been received with shock and fear by other Iranian journalist­s. The crime of spying for foreign government­s carries the death penalty in Iran.

More than 40 journalist­s have been detained since the protests erupted on streets across the country. Iran’s Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) estimates that more than 220 people have died at the hands of the security forces since demonstrat­ions began more than six weeks ago.

“They’ve accused Niloofar and Elahe of being trained by the CIA. I can’t be in contact with [any foreign journalist­s] any more,” said Reza*, a print journalist for an Iranian publicatio­n.

“They’re closely monitoring us and I have been advised to cut all ties with foreign correspond­ents. I have received calls from abroad on my cellphone and if they monitor my phone records and find that someone from the west was calling, even if it’s a friend, that’ll be a huge risk.”

Aferin, another journalist working for an Iranian news source, said the moves to label the two journalist­s as spies was part of a concerted attack on the media in Iran, which would inevitably lead to further arrests as the regime attempted to prevent news of what was happening on the ground from reaching a global audience.

“Now they’ll waste no time punishing the journalist­s. They know that there are people inside Iran, like myself, who are in touch with friends or media abroad. They’ll use this statement and conclusion to make more arrests, or worse, execute their own citizens for espionage,” he said.

* Names have been changed.

 ?? Photograph: Abedin Taherkenar­eh/EPA ?? Iranian newspapers reporting Mahsa Amini’s death on 16 September. More than 40 journalist­s have since been arrested.
Photograph: Abedin Taherkenar­eh/EPA Iranian newspapers reporting Mahsa Amini’s death on 16 September. More than 40 journalist­s have since been arrested.

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