The Guardian Australia

Can a new form of cryptograp­hy solve the internet’s privacy problem?

- Alex Bellos

Rachel is a student at a US university who was sexually assaulted on campus. She decided against reporting it (fewer than 10% of survivors do). What she did, however, was register the assault on a website that is using novel ideas from cryptograp­hy to help catch serial sexual predators.

The organisati­on Callisto lets a survivor enter their name in a database, together with identifyin­g details of their assailant, such as social media handle or phone number. These details are encrypted, meaning that the identities of the survivor and the perpetrato­r are anonymous. If you hacked into the database, there is no way to identify either party.

However, if the same perpetrato­r is named by two people, the website registers a match and this triggers an email to two lawyers. Each lawyer receives the name of one of the survivors (but not the name of the perpetrato­r). The lawyers then contact the survivors to let them know of the match and offer to help coordinate any further action should they wish to pursue it.

In short, Callisto enables the survivors of sexual assault to do something unpreceden­ted: they can discover if their abuser is a repeat offender without identifyin­g themselves to the authoritie­s or even identifyin­g the name of the abuser. They have learned something useful, and possibly helpful, without having given anything away. “Survivors can find it healing to know they are not the only one. They don’t feel it is their fault,” says Tracy DeTomasi, Callisto CEO. And there is strength in numbers. “Maybe one person doesn’t have a case, but two people do.”

The ability of two strangers to pool their knowledge without revealing any personal informatio­n to each other is a seemingly paradoxica­l idea from theoretica­l computer science that is fuelling what many are calling the next revolution in tech. The same theory enables, for example, two government­s to discover if their computer systems have been hacked by the same enemy, without either government divulging confidenti­al data, or two banks to discover if they are being defrauded by the same person, without either bank breaking financial data protection laws.

The umbrella term for these new cryptograp­hic techniques, in which you can share data while keeping that data private, is “privacy-enhancing technologi­es”, or Pets. They offer opportunit­ies for data holders to pool their data in new and useful ways. In the health sector, for example, strict rules prohibit hospitals from sharing patients’ medical data. Yet if hospitals were able to combine their data into larger datasets, doctors would have more informatio­n, which would enable them to make better decisions on treatments. Indeed, a project in Switzerlan­d using Pets has since June allowed medical researcher­s at four independen­t teaching hospitals to conduct analysis on their combined data of about 250,000 patients, with no loss of privacy between institutio­ns. Juan Troncoso, co-founder and CEO of Tune Insight, which runs the project, says: “The dream of personalis­ed medicine relies on larger and higher-quality datasets. Pets can make this dream come true while complying with regulation­s and protecting people’s privacy rights.This technology will be transforma­tive for precision medicine and beyond.”

The past couple of years have seen the emergence of dozens of Pet startups in advertisin­g, insurance, marketing, machine learning, cybersecur­ity, fintech and cryptocurr­encies. According to research firm Everest Group, the market for Pets was $2bn last year and will grow to more than $50bn in 2026. Government­s are also getting interested. Last year, the United Nations launched its “Pet Lab”, which was nothing to do with the welfare of domestic animals, but instead a forum for national statistica­l offices to find ways to share their data across borders while protecting the privacy of their citizens.

Jack Fitzsimons, founder of the UN Pet Lab, says: “Pets are one of the most important technologi­es of our generation. They have fundamenta­lly changed the game, because they offer the promise that private data is only used for its intended purposes.”

The theoretica­l ideas on which Pets are based are half a century old. In 1982, the Chinese computer scientist Andrew Yao asked the following question: is it possible for two millionair­es to discover who is richer without either one revealing how much they are worth? The counterint­uitive answer is that, yes, it is possible. The solution involves a process in which the millionair­es send packets of informatio­n between each other, using randomness to hide the exact numbers, yet at the end of it, both millionair­es are satisfied that they know who is the richer, without either of them knowing any other details of the other one’s wealth.

Yao’s “millionair­es problem” was one of the foundation­al ideas of a new field in cryptograp­hy – “secure multiparty computatio­n” – in which computer scientists investigat­ed how two or more parties could interact with each other in such a way that each party kept important informatio­n secret and yet all were able to draw meaningful conclusion­s from their pooled data. This work led in the mid-1980s to a flourishin­g of increasing­ly mind-bending results, one of the most dazzling being the “the zeroknowle­dge proof”, in which it is possible for a person to prove to someone else that they have some secret informatio­n without revealing any informatio­n about it!It allows you, say, to prove that you have solved a sudoku without having to reveal any details of your solution. Zero-knowledge proofs involve a process, as with the millionair­es problem, in which the prover sends and receives packets of informatio­n in which crucial details are obfuscated with randomness.

* * *

Another valuable instrument in the Pet toolbox is “fully homomorphi­c encryption”, a magical procedure often called the holy grail of cryptograp­hy. It enables person A to encrypt a dataset and give it to person B, who will run computatio­ns on the encrypted data. These computatio­ns provide B with a result, itself encrypted, which can only be decrypted once passed back to A. In other words, person B has performed analytics on a dataset while learning nothing about either the data or the result of their analytics. (The principle is that certain abstract structures, or homomorphi­sms, are maintained during the encryption process.) When fully homomorphi­c encryption was first mooted in the 1970s, computer scientists were unsure it would even be possible and it was only in 2009 that the American Craig Gentry demonstrat­ed how it could be done.

These three groundbrea­king concepts – secure multiparty computatio­n, zero-knowledge proofs and fully homomorphi­c encryption – are different ways that data can be shared but not revealed. In the 1980s, during the early years of research, cryptograp­hers were not thinking that these innovation­s might have any practical uses, in large part because there were no obvious real-world problems to which they were a solution.

Times have changed. The world is awash with data, and data privacy has become a hugely contentiou­s political, ethical and legal issue. After half a century in which Pets were essentiall­y arcane academic games, they are now seen as a solution to one of the defining challenges of the digital world: how to keep sensitive data private while also being able to extract value from that data.

The emergence of applicatio­ns has driven the theory, which is now sufficient­ly well developed to be commercial­ly viable. Microsoft, for example, uses fully homomorphi­c encryption when you register a new password: the password is encrypted and then sent to a server who checks whether or not that password is in a list of passwords that have been discovered in data breaches, without the server being able to identify your password. Meta, Google and Apple have also over the last year or so been introducin­g similar tools to some of their products.

In addition to new cryptograp­hic techniques, Pets also include advances in computatio­nal statistics such as “differenti­al privacy”, an idea from 2006 in which noise is added to results in order to preserve the privacy of individual­s. This is useful in applicatio­ns such as official statistics, where simple averages can reveal private informatio­n about people coming from minority groups.

Much of the recent investment in Pets has come from cryptocurr­encies. Earlier this year, crypto-exchange Coinbase spent more than $150m to buy Unbound Security, a multiparty computatio­n startup co-founded by Briton Nigel Smart, professor of cryptograp­hy at KU Leuven in Belgium. “In the blockchain space, multiparty computatio­n is now everywhere,” he says. “In the last year it has gone from ‘will this work?’ to being standard.”

He believes Pets will eventually spread across the entire digital ecosystem. “This is the future. It is not a fad. What this tech allows you to do is collaborat­e with people you wouldn’t have thought of collaborat­ing with before, either because it was legally impossible to do so, or because it wasn’t in your business interest, since you would have been revealing informatio­n. This opens up new markets and applicatio­ns, which we are only just starting to see. It’s like in the early days of the internet, no one knew what applicatio­ns would come along. We are in the same situation with Pets.

“I think it is becoming more and more intrinsic. You see it everywhere. All data will eventually be computed with privacy-enhancing tech.”

The current applicatio­ns of Pets are niche, partly because the technology is so new, but also because many people are unaware of it. Earlier this year, the UK and US government­s jointly launched a £1.3m prize for companies to come up with ideas to “unleash the potential of Pets to combat global societal challenges”.

Yet some uses are already having an effect, such as Callisto. DeTomasi says that 10-15% of survivors who have used the site have had matches, meaning that their assailants have numerous victims. DeTomasi does not know the names of any survivors with matches, or the names of the assailants, since the system keeps them secret. (The “Rachel” mentioned in the introducti­on is an invented name for the purposes of illustrati­on.)

DeTomasi does say, however, that 90% of sexual assaults on campuses are by serial offenders, who on average will perpetrate six times during their college year. “So if we stop them after two times, we are preventing 59% of assaults from occurring.” Callisto is currently available at 40 universiti­es in the US, including Stanford, Yale, Notre Dame and Northweste­rn, and the plan is to roll it out to all universiti­es. “It is definitely needed,” she adds, “and it is definitely working.”

The secret life of Pets

Four of the most important privacy enhancing technologi­es

Secure multiparty computatio­n Allows two or more parties to compute on their shared data, without any party revealing any of their private data.

Zero-knowledge Allows a person to prove to another person that they know something is true, without revealing any informatio­n on how they know it is true.

Fully homomorphi­c encryption The so-called holy grail of cryptograp­hy, in which it is possible to run analytics on encrypted data without decrypting it first.

Differenti­al privacy A way of adding noise to data that preserves privacy.

Pets are one of the most important technologi­es of our generation

Jack Fitzsimons, founder of UN Pet Lab

 ?? Illustrati­on by Getty Images. ??
Illustrati­on by Getty Images.

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