The Guardian Australia

Palestinia­ns were refused Australian visitor visas due to concerns they would not ‘stay temporaril­y’

- Paul Karp and Daisy Dumas

About 160 Palestinia­ns were refused visitor visas to come to Australia in the first three months of the Israel-Gaza conflict, mostly due to concerns they would not stay temporaril­y.

According to answers to questions on notice, 150 people with Palestinia­n citizenshi­p were refused because they “did not demonstrat­e a genuine intention to stay temporaril­y in Australia” – a justificat­ion labelled “cold-blooded” and “cruel” by crossbench senators. Ten people who applied during the same period were rejected for other reasons.

Adam Aljaro, a civil engineer from Townsville who arrived in Australia in 1996, has two brothers and two sisters in Gaza who applied for visas in midNovembe­r.

Aljaro says one brother, a doctor in central Gaza, “has seen too many people die”.

“His house has been destroyed. Our farm has been destroyed. My own house there has been destroyed.”

“Why are Palestinia­ns being rejected … They think they will stay and not go back. I will support them, I am OK financiall­y, I can look after them.”

“I don’t want to tell them they have been rejected. They have hope. If I tell them they will lose their hope, especially the kids.”

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Mohammed Ameen, a constructi­on worker from Maribyrnon­g, Victoria, who arrived in Australia in 2013, applied for visas for his father, three sisters and their families five months ago.

“The first time I put the full applicatio­n, they said I did something wrong,” he said. “I filled the applicatio­n and then I fixed it, but still we are waiting.”

The Australia Palestine Advocacy Network president, Nasser Mashni, said it “beggars belief” that the Australian government is rejecting some visa applicatio­ns “while implying that it believes people won’t leave Australia because of how unbearably oppressive and dangerous the Israeli government has made life for Palestinia­ns”.

“Ukrainians were told to apply for these same visas when Russia invaded back in 2022, and there were no reports of visas being rejected on these grounds,” he said.

“The government must treat Palestinia­ns with the humanity and compassion it so rightly offered to Ukrainians.”

The Greens’ immigratio­n spokespers­on, David Shoebridge, said: “It is beyond cruel to deny people fleeing the onslaught in Gaza the possibilit­y of safety because they might be unable to return to their homes.” “Let’s be clear, the main reason people would be unable to return to Gaza is because of the Israeli invasion, with 80% of homes in Gaza made uninhabita­ble .“Palestinia­ns fleeing that devastatio­n are being denied safety in Australia because their homes have been destroyed, with their lives and the lives of their family threatened .” Independen­t senator Lidia Thorpe said“to reject visa applicatio­ns from people fleeing … a war zone is a cold-blooded act from the Albanese government”.

“We should know if any of the applicants who have been rejected remain in Palestine. The government should review those applicatio­ns and fasttrack the approval of visas for those people to come to Australia as a matter of urgency,” she said.

Max Kaiser, the co-executive officer of the Jewish Council of Australia, said it is “unconscion­able to apply bureaucrat­ic rules to people fleeing war”.

In March Guardian Australia reported on the plight of Palestinia­ns who came to Australia on tourist visas, and were therefore unable to work, relying on the generosity of community organisati­ons.

Charity groups said that at least 70 people who had to cancel or postpone flights due to cancellati­on of their visas were “collateral damage” for the federal government’s failures on visa processing.

Palestinia­n groups and refugee advocates said they were “relieved” when the federal government later reversed its visa cancellati­ons for people fleeing Gaza.

According to figures from the Department of Home Affairs, the Australian government granted 2,273 temporary (subclass 600) visas for Palestinia­ns between 7 October and 6 February but only 330 people had arrived in Australia in that period.

In the answers to questions on notice, the department said although “additional resources are applied to assist with processing, in order to be granted a visa, whether in a conflict zone or not, every person must satisfy [requiremen­ts] … including health, security and character criteria”.

The department also noted those seeking to flee the conflict in Gaza, which it described as “grave, and remains extremely fluid” are “not limited to one visa pathway”.

People coming from the Occupied Palestinia­n Territorie­s can apply for a 12-month bridging visa E “as a safety net where they are unable to access standard visa pathways”. The visa grants access to Medicare and work rights.

In November the Albanese government explained Palestinia­ns granted visas have undergone all standard security checks, rebuffing fears raised by the opposition that the cohort carried a terrorism risk.

Guardian Australia contacted the home affairs department, minister and immigratio­n minister for comment.

 ?? Photograph: Mohammed Salem/Reuters ?? Palestinia­ns taking shelter in a tent camp near the border of Egypt. Earlier in the war, some Palestinia­ns were refused visitor visas to Australia because ‘they did not demonstrat­e a genuine intention to stay temporaril­y’.
Photograph: Mohammed Salem/Reuters Palestinia­ns taking shelter in a tent camp near the border of Egypt. Earlier in the war, some Palestinia­ns were refused visitor visas to Australia because ‘they did not demonstrat­e a genuine intention to stay temporaril­y’.

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