The Knitter


Long-line lacy blouse


THE STYLE of Pat Menchini’s summer top harks back to the knits of the 1950s. The deep ribbing and the lace panels down the sides combine to give a flattering, elongated appearance to the garment. The pretty lace panels consist of diamond eyelets on a reverse stocking stitch background, framed with a border at each side in twisted rib. The ends of the neck ties can be decorated with small buttons or beads if desired.


(worked over 18 sts) Row 1 (RS): P2, yo, P2tog, P4, Tw2, P4, P2tog, yo, P2. Row 2 and every alt row: K8, P2, K8. Row 3: P3, yo, P2tog, P3, Tw2, P3, P2tog, yo, P3. Row 5: P4, yo, P2tog, P2, Tw2, P2, P2tog, yo, P4. Row 7: P5, yo, P2tog, P1, Tw2, P1, P2tog, yo, P5. Row 9: P6, yo, P2tog, Tw2, P2tog, yo, P6. Row 11: P4, P2tog, yo, P2, Tw2, P2, yo, P2tog, P4. Row 13: P3, P2tog, yo, P3, Tw2, P3, yo, P2tog, P3. Row 15: P2, P2tog, yo, P4, Tw2, P4, yo, P2tog, P2. Row 17: P1, P2tog, yo, P5, Tw2, P5, yo, P2tog, P1. Row 19: P2tog, yo, P6, Tw2, P6, yo, P2tog. Row 20: K8, P2, K8. These 20 rows form the Diamond Panel. FRONT Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 104 ( 116: 128: 136: 148: 160) sts. Row 1 (RS): K3, (P2, K2) to last st, K1. Row 2: K1, (P2, K2) to last 3 sts, P2, K1. Rep these 2 rib rows until work meas 14cm, ending after row 1. Next row (WS): Purl, inc 7 ( 7:7: 9: 9: 9) sts evenly across. 111 ( 123: 135: 145: 157: 169) sts. Change to 4mm needles. Work in pattern: Row 1 (RS): K5 ( 8: 12: 16: 19: 23), *(P1, Tw2) twice, work row 1 of Diamond Panel, (Tw2, P1) twice *, K41 ( 47: 51: 53: 59: 63), work from * to *, K5 ( 8: 12: 16: 19: 23). Row 2: P11 ( 14: 18: 22: 25: 29), work row 2 of Diamond Panel, P53 ( 59: 63: 65: 71: 75), work row 2 of Diamond Panel, P11 ( 14: 18: 22: 25: 29). Rows 3-20: Rep rows 1-2, 9 times, but working rows 3-20 of panel. These 20 rows set the pattern. ** Cont in patt until work meas 38cm from cast-on edge, ending after a RS row.


Next row (WS): Patt 55 ( 61: 67: 72: 78: 84), cast off next st neatly knitwise, patt to end. Cont on last group of 55 ( 61: 67: 72: 78: 84) sts only for left half of front. Next row (RS): Patt to last 7 sts, P1, (Tw2, P1) twice. Next row: P7, patt to end. These 2 rows set the patt for neck opening. *** Rep these 2 rows until work meas 52cm from cast-on edge, ending at neck edge.


Next row: Cast off loosely 12 ( 13: 14: 15: 16: 17) sts, patt to end. 43 ( 48: 53: 57: 62: 67) sts. Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 5 rows. 38 ( 43: 48: 52: 57: 62) sts. Cont straight until Front meas 58 ( 58: 59: 60: 60: 61) cm from cast-on edge, ending at side edge.


Cast off loosely 6 ( 7:8: 9: 10: 11) sts at beg of next row, and the 4 foll alt rows. Work 1 row straight. Cast off rem 8 ( 8:8: 7: 7: 7) sts loosely. With RS facing, neatly rejoin yarn at front edge of rem 55 ( 61: 67: 72: 78: 84) sts. Next row (RS): P1, (Tw2, P1) twice, patt to end. Next row (WS): Patt to last 7 sts, P7. Complete as left half working from *** to end, noting that 1 row more should be worked before shaping shoulder.


Work as Front to **. Cont straight in patt until work meas same as Front to shoulder shaping, ending after a WS row.


Cast off loosely 6 ( 7:8: 9: 10: 11) sts at beg of next 10 rows, then 8 ( 8:8: 7: 7: 7) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Slip rem 35 ( 37: 39: 41: 43: 45) sts on a holder.


Join the shoulders. Using 3.25mm needles, and with RS facing, pick up and K35 ( 38: 39: 41: 42: 46) sts evenly round right front neck, knit across 35 ( 37: 39: 41: 43: 45) sts on stitch holder, finally pick up and K35 ( 38: 39: 41: 42: 46) sts evenly round left front neck. 105 ( 113: 117: 123: 127: 137) sts. Knit 2 rows. Cast off evenly knitwise.

TIES (make 2 alike) Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 48 sts. Knit 1 row. Cast off knitwise.


Place a marker 52 ( 56: 60: 63: 67: 71) rows down from shoulder seams at each side edge. Using 3.25mm needles, and with RS facing, pick up and K79 ( 85: 91: 96: 101: 107) sts evenly between 1 set of markers. Knit 8 rows, dec 1 st at each end of WS rows. Cast off knitwise.


Press work lightly on WS, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. Join side seams including armhole edgings. Sew ties to each end of neckband. Optional: attach small buttons or beads to each end of ties. Press seams.

 ??  ?? Pat Menchini Felicity
Pat Menchini Felicity
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