The Knitter



Block work to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. Join right shoulder seam.


Using 3.25mm needles and with RS facing, pick up stitches and place stitch markers as follows: Pick up and knit 24 ( 24: 27: 30: 33) sts from the front left neck side, pm; knit 22 ( 28: 28: 30: 30) sts from the front centre neck st holder, pm; pick up and knit 24 ( 24: 27: 30: 33) sts from the front right neck, pm; pick up and knit 0 ( 1:1: 0: 0) st before back neck marker, knit 44 ( 50: 50: 58: 58) sts from the back neck stitch holder. 114 ( 127: 133: 148: 154) sts. Row 1 (WS): K1, (P1, K2, P2, K2) 6 ( 7:7: 8: 8) times, P1, slm, K3, (P1, K2) 7 ( 7:8: 9: 10) times, slm, K0 ( 0:0: 1: 1), (P1, K2) 0 ( 1:1: 1: 1) time, (P1, K2, P2, K2) 3 times, P1, (K2, P1) 0 ( 1:1: 1: 1) time, K0 ( 0:0: 1: 1), slm, (K2, P1) 7 ( 7:8: 9: 10) times, K3. Row 2 (RS): P3, (K1, P2) 7 ( 7:8: 9: 10) times, slm, P0 ( 0:0: 1: 1), (K1, P2) 0 ( 1:1: 1: 1) time, (K1, P2, C2B, P2) 3 times, K1, (P2, K1) 0 ( 1:1: 1: 1) time, P0 ( 0:0: 1: 1), slm, (P2, K1) 7 ( 7:8: 9: 10) times, P3, slm, (K1, P2, C2B, P2) 6 ( 7:7: 8: 8) times, K1, P1. Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. Cast off loosely in patt.


Using 3.25mm needles and with RS facing, pick up and knit 104 ( 110: 116: 122: 128) sts evenly across armhole edge. Row 1 (WS): K3, (P1, K2) 8 ( 9: 10: 11: 12) times, pm, (P1, K2, P2, K2) 7 times, P1, pm, (K2, P1) 8 ( 9: 10: 11: 12) times, K3. Row 2 (RS): P1, (K1, P2) 8 ( 9: 10: 11: 12) times, slm, (K1, P2, C2B, P2) 7 times, K1, slm, (P2, K1) 8 ( 9: 10: 11: 12) times, P1. Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. Cast off loosely in pattern. Repeat for second armhole. Sew side seams. Weave in loose ends. Block gently once more, if desired.

 ??  ?? Decorative ribbing complement­s the diamond patterning
Decorative ribbing complement­s the diamond patterning

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