The Knitter

Bias Cable Stole

- Leila Raabe

DIAGONAL LACE mesh alternatin­g between vertical cabled rib motifs that are worked on the bias create an interestin­g result in the direction of the fabric. Knitted in a chunky-weight yarn, this stole is lightweigh­t, warm, and quick to work up, with a simple rhythm that is easily memorised after the first few repeats. Working the two-stitch cables without a cable needle makes it fly off the needles even faster.


Using 6.5mm needles and the cable cast-on method, cast on 65 sts.


(also see Set-Up Section Chart) Row 1 (RS): K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *C2B, K3, P4, K4, P4, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 2 (WS): P11, *K4, P4, K4, P15; rep from * once more. Row 3: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *Tw2B, K4, P4, K4, P3, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 4: *P11, K3, P4, K4, P4, K1; rep from * once more, P11. Row 5: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *Tw2B, P1, K4, P4, K4, P2, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 6: *P11, K2, P4, K4, P4, K2; rep from * once more, P11. Row 7: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *Tw2B, P2, K4, P4, K4, P1, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 8: *P11, K1, P4, K4, P4, K3; rep from * once more, P11.


(also see Main Section Chart) Row 1 (RS): K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *Tw2B, P3, C4F, P4, K4, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 2 (WS): *P15, K4, P4, K4; rep from * once more, P11. Row 3: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *C2B, P4, C4F, P4, K3, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 4: P14, K4, P4, K4, P15, K4, P4, K4, P12. Row 5: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *C2B, K1, P4, K4, P4, K2, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 6: P13, K4, P4, K4, P15, K4, P4, K4, P13. Row 7: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *C2B, K2, P4, K4, P4, K1, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 8: P12, K4, P4, K4, P15, K4, P4, K4, P14. Row 9: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *C2B, K3, P4, C4F, P4, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 10: P11, *K4, P4, K4, P15; rep from * once more. Row 11: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *Tw2B, K4, P4, C4F, P3, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 12: *P11, K3, P4, K4, P4, K1; rep from * once more, P11. Row 13: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *Tw2B, P1, K4, P4, K4, P2, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 14: *P11, K2, P4, K4, P4, K2; rep from * once more, P11. Row 15: K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *Tw2B, P2, K4, P4, K4, P1, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 16: *P11, K1, P4, K4, P4, K3; rep from * once more, P11. Rep Rows 1–16 of Main Section, 16 more times.


(also see Ending Section Chart) Row 1 (RS): K1, (yo, K2tog) 4 times, yo, *Tw2B, P3, K4, P4, K4, (K2tog, yo) 5 times; rep from * once more, K2tog. Row 2 (WS): *P15, K4, P4, K4; rep from * once more, P11. Cast off all sts kwise.


Weave in ends. Block to 48 cm wide and 183cm long along the longest edge, using T-pins and blocking wires if desired, and following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. The stole will relax to finished measuremen­ts after unpinning.

This design is from Weekend Wraps, a collection of 18 patterns curated by Cecily Glowik MacDonald and Melissa LaBarre (Interweave Press, £18.99). Readers can save £5 on this book! To buy a copy for just £13.99 inc. free UK p&p, call 01206 255777 and quote ref. IM1817 before 5 January 2018.

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