The Knitter

Two-tone jumper for men has an intricate cable fabric

Rich textures create a satisfying­ly thick, warm fabric on this handsome two-tone sweater


has combined a wide range of cables and stitch textures on this smart round-neck sweater, including honeycombs, braids, diamonds and ropes. He has used a lighter grey shade for the front panels, but the design would also look good worked in just one colour. It is knitted in Rowan’s Super Fine Merino DK yarn.


Using 3.25mm needles and yarn A, cast on 134 ( 142: 150: 154: 158: 166: 170) sts. Row 1 (RS): K2, *P2, K2; rep from * to end. Row 2: P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to end. These 2 rows form rib. Work in rib for a further 24 rows, inc 1 ( 0: 0: 1: 1: 0: 1) st at each end of last row and ending with RS facing for next row. 136 ( 142: 150: 156: 160: 166: 172) sts.

Change to 4mm needles. Beg and ending rows as indicated, using the intarsia technique by twisting yarns around each other on the wrong side when changing colour, and repeating the 24-row pattern repeat throughout, cont in patt from chart for body as folls: Beg on st 1 ( 2: 2: 1: 1: 2: 1), work Chart A over first 14 ( 17: 21: 24: 26: 29: 32) sts, work sts 1-20 of Chart B, work sts 1-12 of Chart C, work Chart D, repeating sts in red box 5 times, work sts 1-12 of Chart E, work sts 1-20 of Chart B, beg on st 2, work to end in Chart A. Cont to work in Charts as set, working straight until Back meas 40 ( 41: 43: 41: 41: 40: 42) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.


Keeping patt correct, cast off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 126 ( 132: 140: 146: 150: 156: 162) sts. Dec 1 st at each end of next 5 rows, then on foll 5 alt rows, then on foll 4th row. 104 ( 110: 118: 124: 128: 134: 140) sts. Cont straight until armhole meas 20 ( 22: 23: 25: 27: 28: 29) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.


Next row (RS): Cast off 5 ( 5: 6: 6: 6: 7: 7) sts, patt until there are 26 ( 28: 31: 32: 34: 34: 37) sts on right needle and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. Work each side of neck separately. Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows and at same time cast off 5 ( 5: 6: 6: 7: 7: 7) sts at beg of 2nd and foll 2 ( 1: 2: 1: 2: 2: 0) alt rows, then – ( 6:-:7:-:-: 8) sts at beg of foll – ( 1:-:1:-:-: 2) alt rows. Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off rem 5 ( 6: 7: 7: 7: 7: 8) sts. With RS facing, slip centre 42 ( 44: 44: 48: 48: 52: 52) sts onto a holder (for neckband), rejoin yarns and patt to end. Complete to match first side, reversing shapings.


Work as given for Back until 24 ( 24: 24: 28: 28: 32: 32) rows less have been worked than on Back to beg of shoulder shaping.


Next row (RS): Patt 38 ( 40: 44: 46: 48: 50: 53) sts and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. Work each side of neck separately. Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 8 rows, then on foll 3 alt rows, then on 2 ( 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) foll 4th rows. 25 ( 27: 31: 32: 34: 35: 38) sts. Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row.


Cast off 5 ( 5: 6: 6: 6: 7: 7) sts at beg of next and foll 3 ( 2: 3: 2: 0: 3: 1) alt rows, then –( 6:-:7: 7:-:8) sts at beg of foll – ( 1:-:1: 3:-:2) alt rows. Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off rem 5 ( 6: 7: 7: 7: 7: 8) sts.

With RS facing, slip centre 28 ( 30: 30: 32: 32:34:34) sts onto a holder (for neckband), rejoin yarns and patt to end. Complete to match first side, reversing shapings.


Using 3.25mm needles and yarn A,

cast on 62 ( 62: 66: 66: 70: 70: 70) sts. Work in rib as given for Back for 26 rows, inc 0 ( 1: 0: 0: 0: 0: 1) st at each end of last row and ending with RS facing for next row. 62 ( 64: 66: 66: 70: 70: 72) sts.

Change to 4mm needles. Beg and ending rows as indicated and repeating the 24-row patt repeat throughout, cont in patt from chart for sleeve as folls: Beg on st 2 ( 1: 2: 2: 2: 2: 1), work next 7 ( 8: 9: 9: 11: 11: 12) sts in Chart A, P2A, work sts 1-12 of Chart C, work sts 1-20 of Chart B, work sts 1-12 of Chart C, P2A, beg on st 2 work in Chart A to end. Cont to work in Charts as set, AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st at each end of 5th ( 7th: 7th: 7th: 7th: 5th: 7th) and every foll 6th ( 8th: 8th: 8th: 8th: 6th: 8th) row to 66 ( 98: 92: 104: 104: 74: 112) sts, then on every foll 8th (-:10th:-:10th: 8th:-) row until there are 94 (-:100:-:108: 110:-) sts, taking inc sts into double moss st.

Cont straight until Sleeve meas 45 ( 48: 50: 52: 53: 53: 54) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.


Keeping patt correct, cast off 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 84 ( 88: 90: 94: 98: 100: 102) sts. Dec 1 st at each end of next 5 rows, then on foll 3 alt rows, then on 5 foll 4th rows. 58 ( 62: 64: 68: 72: 74: 76) sts. Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row. Dec 1 st at each end of next and every foll alt row until 52 sts rem, then on foll 9 rows, ending with RS facing for next row. 34 sts. Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Cast off rem 18 sts.


Press pieces carefully, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. Join right shoulder seam using back stitch, or mattress stitch if preferred.


Using 3.25mm needles and yarn A, and with RS facing, pick up and knit 22 ( 22: 22: 25: 25: 28: 28) sts down left side of front neck, K across 28 ( 30: 30: 32: 32: 34: 34) sts on front holder dec 2 sts evenly, pick up and knit 22 ( 22: 22: 25: 25: 28: 28) sts up right side of front neck, and 7 sts down right side of back neck, K across 42 ( 44: 44: 48: 48: 52:52) sts on back holder dec 4 sts evenly, then pick up and knit 7 sts up left side of back neck. 122 ( 126: 126: 138: 138: 150: 150) sts. Beg with row 2, work in rib as given for Back for 9 rows, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off in rib. Place centre of cast-off edge of sleeve to shoulder seam. Set in sleeve, easing sleevehead into armhole. Join side and sleeve seams.

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The fabric features a wide range of cable patterns

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