The Knitter



Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 112 ( 128: 144: 160: 176: 192) sts. Row 1 (RS): K7, *P2, K6; rep from * to last 9 sts, P2, K7. Row 2 (WS): Knit. Rep last 2 rows twice more. Change to 4mm needles.


Row 1 (RS): K7, *P2, K6; rep from * to last 9 sts, P2, K7. Row 2 (WS): P7, *K2, P6; rep from * to last 9 sts, K2, P7. Rep last 2 rows 15 more times.


Row 1 (RS): P13, (K6, P2) 1 ( 0: 1: 0: 1: 0) time, 6-stRPC, (P10, 6-stRPC) 1 ( 2: 2: 3: 3: 4) times, P26, (6-stLPC, P10) 1 ( 2: 2: 3: 3: 4) times, 6-stLPC, (P2, K6) 1 ( 0: 1: 0: 1: 0) time, P13. Row 2 (WS): K13, (P6, K2) 1 ( 0: 1: 0: 1: 0) time, P2, K2, P2, (K10, P2, K2, P2) 1 ( 2: 2: 3: 3: 4) times, K26, (P2, K2, P2, K10) 1 ( 2: 2: 3: 3: 4) times, P2, K2, P2, (K2, P6) 1 ( 0: 1: 0: 1: 0) time, K13. Row 3: K7, *P2, K6; rep from * to last 9 sts, P2, K7. Row 4: P7, *K2, P6; rep from * to last 9 sts, K2, P7. Rows 5-8: Rep Rows 3-4 twice more. Row 9: P5, (K6, P2) 1 ( 0: 1: 0: 1: 0) time, 6-stRPC, (P10, 6-stRPC) 2 ( 3: 3: 4: 4: 5) times, (P10, 6-stLPC) 3 ( 4: 4: 5: 5: 6) times, (P2, K6) 1 ( 0: 1: 0: 1: 0) time, P5. Row 10: K5, (P6, K2) 1 ( 0: 1: 0: 1: 0) time, P2, K2, P2, (K10, P2, K2, P2) 5 ( 7: 7: 9: 9: 11) times, (K2, P6) 1 ( 0: 1: 0: 1: 0) time, K5. Rows 11-16: Rep Rows 3-4 three more times. These 16 rows set Shimmer Pattern. Cont in Shimmer Pattern until piece meas approx. 53 ( 53: 58 : 58 :63 : 63 ) cm from cast-on.


Row 1 (RS): Cast off 11 ( 13: 15: 18: 20: 23) sts, patt until there are 32 ( 36: 41: 45: 50: 55) sts on RH needle, place rem sts of row on holder. Turn. Keeping patt correct, cast off 6 sts at beg of next (RS) row, 11 ( 13: 15: 17: 20: 22) sts at beg of next (WS) row, 5 sts at beg of next row, then cast off rem 10 ( 12: 15: 17: 19: 22) sts.


With RS facing, join yarn to held sts and cast off 26 ( 30: 32: 34: 36: 36) sts, patt to end. 43 ( 49: 56: 63: 70: 78) sts. Keeping patt correct, cast off 11 ( 13: 15: 18: 20: 23) sts at beg of next (WS) row, 6 sts at beg of next (RS) row, 11 ( 13: 15: 17: 20: 22) sts at beg of next row, 5 sts at beg of next row, then cast off rem 10 ( 12: 15: 17: 19: 22) sts.

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