The Knitter



58 ( 58: 62: 62: 64: 64) sts.

Place a marker at each end of last row.

Change to 4mm needles.

Joining in yarn B and beginning on stitch 8 ( 8: 6: 6: 5: 5) and ending on stitch 17 ( 17: 19: 19: 20: 20) and repeating the 50-row repeat throughout, work in patt from chart as follows:

Work 10 rows, ending with a WS row.

Inc 1 st at each end of next and 13 ( 13: 14: 14: 15: 15) foll 4th rows, taking inc sts into patt. 86 ( 86: 92: 92: 96: 96) sts.

Work 3 ( 3: 3: 3: 1: 1) rows straight, ending with a WS row.

Now using yarn C instead of yarn B, cont in patt from chart, inc 1 st at each end of next ( next: next: next: 3rd: 3rd) and every foll 4th row until there are 108 ( 108: 112: 112: 116: 116) sts, taking inc sts into patt.

Cont straight until Sleeve meas 40 ( 40: 41: 41: 42: 42) cm from markers, ending with a WS row.

Cast off.

Join shoulder seams to markers along top edge of Back, leaving 36 ( 36: 38: 38: 38: 38) sts free at centre for back neck.


With RS facing and using 3.25mm needles and yarn A, beg and ending at inner edge of cast-off sts at front neck, pick up and knit 30 ( 30: 33: 33: 33: 33) sts up front neck edge of Right Front to right shoulder seam,

37 ( 37: 41: 41: 41: 41) sts across back neck to left shoulder seam, then 30 ( 30: 33: 33: 33: 33) sts down front neck edge of Left Front.

97 ( 97: 107: 107: 107: 107) sts.

Row 1 (WS): K1, P5, *K5, P5; rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 2: K6, *P5, K5; rep from * to last st, K1. These 2 rows form rib.

Cont in rib until neckband meas 16 ( 16: 17: 17: 17: 17) cm from pick-up row, ending with a WS row.

Using a 4mm needle, cast off in rib.

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