The Knitter




Using smooth yarn and a 2.5mm crochet hook, chain approx. 5 more chains than the number of stitches needed for the cast-on. Using 2.75mm circular needles and yarn A, pick up and knit the number of stitches required through the bumps on the back of the crochet chain, leaving the remainder of the chain unworked.

Pm and join to work in the round, taking care not to twist sts.

Knit 11 rnds.

Change to 3.25mm circular needles. Using yarn B, knit 1 rnd, then purl 1 rnd. This forms the turning edge.

Begin working from Chart A, working in st st (knit every round) and changing colours as indicated to Round 10.


Weave in ends, securing the colour change ends with neat knots.

Undo the provisiona­l cast-on, placing the sts on 2.75mm circular needles.

Fold along the fold line, WS to WS, holding the needles together and knit the stitches together following Rnd 11 of Chart A. Begin working from Chart B, changing colours as indicated - the chart is repeated 8 times across the round.

When beginning the decrease rounds, change to DPNs until 16 sts remain at the end of Rnd 63.

Next rnd: K2tog across rnd. 8 sts rem.

Cut yarn, leaving a 15cm yarn tail.

Pull yarn through rem sts and pull tight. Weave tail yarn into the crown to tighten up the decrease. Weave in ends.


Gently block hat by covering with a cloth and pressing lightly with an iron, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

Make a pompom with the remaining colours. Using the yarn tails from the pompom, tie it firmly on the top of the hat and sew in ends.

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