The Knitter



Note: The yarnovers at the beginning of each row create a looped increase. These increases will be picked up in the next section to work the border.

Using 5mm circular needles and yarn A, cast on 1 st.

Work the Centre Triangle as follows from the Chart or written instructio­ns below.

Note: if working from the Chart, only RS rows are shown and a yarnover is worked at the beginning of every row (not shown on Chart).

Row 1: Yrn, K1. 2 sts.

Row 2: Yrn, K2. 3 sts.

Continue as set until there are 9 sts.

Row 9: Yrn, K2, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, SSK, K2. 10 sts.

Row 10 and all alt rows: Yrn, K to end.

1 st inc’d.

Row 11: Yrn, K2, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, SSK, K2. 12 sts.

Row 13: Yrn, K5, yo, s2kpo, yo, K5. 14 sts. Row 15: Yrn, K3, yo, SSK, K5, yo, K2tog,

K3. 16 sts.

Row 17: Yrn, K5, yo, SSK, K3, K2tog, yo, K5. 18 sts.

Row 19: Yrn, K3, yo, s2kpo, yo, K7, yo, s2kpo, yo, K3. 20 sts.

Row 21: Yrn, K7, work row 1 of Cat’s Paw Lace, K to end. 22 sts.

Row 23: Yrn, K3, yo, SSK, K3, work row 3 of Cat’s Paw Lace, K2tog, yo, K3. 24 sts.

Row 25: Yrn, K2, SSK, yo, K5, work row 5 of Cat’s Paw Lace, K2, yo, K2tog, K2. 26 sts. Row 27: Yrn, K5, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 2 sts, K2. 28 sts.

Row 29: Yrn, K6, work Cat’s Paw to last 3 sts, K3. 30 sts.

Row 31: Yrn, K7, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 4 sts, K4. 32 sts.

Row 33: Yrn, K3, work Cat’s Paw Lace to end. 34 sts.

Row 35: Yrn, K4, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last st, K1. 36 sts.

Row 37: Yrn, K5, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 2 sts, K2. 38 sts.

Row 39: Yrn, K1, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 8 sts, K1, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, SSK, K2. 40 sts.

Row 41: Yrn, K2, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 9 sts, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, SSK, K2. 42 sts. Row 43: Yrn, K3, work Cat’s Paw Lace to end. 44 sts.

Row 45: Yrn, K3, yo, SSK, K4, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 6 sts, K1, K2tog, yo, K3. 46 sts.

Row 47: Yrn, K5, yo, SSK, K3, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 7 sts, K2tog, yo, K5. 48 sts. Row 49: Yrn, K1, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 8 sts, K2, yo, s2kpo, yo, K3. 50 sts.

Row 51: Yrn, K7, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 4 sts, K4. 52 sts.

Row 53: Yrn, K3, yo, SSK, K3, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 5 sts, K2tog, yo, K3. 54 sts. Row 55: Yrn, K9, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 6 sts, K6. 56 sts.

Row 57: Yrn, K5, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 2 sts, K2. 58 sts.

Row 59: Yrn, K6, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 3 sts, K3. 60 sts.

Row 61: Yrn, K7, work Cat’s Paw Lace to last 4 sts, K4. 62 sts.

Repeat Rows 33-62 twice more, then work rows 33-58 once.

149 sts.

Leaving 149 centre triangle sts on a spare needle or waste yarn, using 5mm circular needles and yarn A, with RS facing and starting at the working yarn edge of the centre triangle, pick up 74 yarnover loops from front to back to the centre point, then pick up the end edge stitch, then pick up 74 yarnover loops up the other side.

149 sts.

Next row (WS): K2, pm, *KFB into each st

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