The Knitter



If working to your desired length, measure from the waist down for the rib measuremen­t and/or from the centre back neck to the waist for the cable pattern. Please note that working different measuremen­ts will affect the required yarn amounts.

If a full or half cable repeat cannot be worked when increasing or decreasing, work these stitches as stocking stitch. ending with RS facing for next row.

Work placement for cable patt as follows:

Next row (RS): K1, *T5F, K6, T5B; rep from * to last st, K1.

Next row: P1, K2, *P12, K4; rep from * to last 15 sts, P12, K2, P1.

Next row: K1, P2tog, C6B, C6F, *P4tog, C6B, C6F; rep from * to last 3 sts, P2tog, K1.

172 ( 185: 211: 224: 237) sts.

Next row: P1, K1, P12, *K1, P12; rep from * to last 2 sts, K1, P1.

Work in cable patt as follows:

Row 1 (RS): K1, P1, *K12, P1; rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 2: P1, K1, *P12, K1; rep from * to last st, P1.

Row 3-4: Rep rows 1 and 2.

Row 5: K1, P1, *C6B, C6F, P1; rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 6: P1, K1, *P12, K1; rep from * to last st, P1.

These 6 rows set cable patt throughout. **

Cont in cable patt until work measures 55 ( 56: 58: 60: 62) cm or desired length, ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off 50 ( 57: 70: 76: 83) sts at beg of next 2 rows, working cast-off rows as folls: Cast-off row 1: K1, K2tog, pass first st on RH needle over second st, (K1, pass first st on RH needle over second st, K2tog, pass first st on RH needle over second st) 15 ( 18: 22: 24: 26) times, cast off next

Cont in cable patt until work measures 49 ( 50: 52: 54: 56) cm or 6cm less than desired length, ending with RS facing for next row.


Next row: Patt 73 ( 80: 93: 99: 106) sts and turn, leave rem 99 ( 105: 118: 125: 131) sts on a holder.

Cont on these sts only for first side of neck.

Next row (WS): Cast off 12 sts, patt to end.

61 ( 68: 81: 87: 94) sts.

Next and every RS row: Patt to end. Next row: Cast off 6 sts, patt to end.

55 ( 62: 75: 81: 88) sts.

Next row: Cast off 3 sts, patt to end.

52 ( 59: 72: 78: 85) sts.

Next row: Cast off 2 sts, patt to end.

50 ( 57: 70: 76: 83) sts.

Cont without shaping until work measures 55 ( 56: 58: 60: 62) cm or desired

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