The Knitter

Solstice Waistcoat

Shaped sleeveless cardigan with a garter stripe pattern



If you would like a different size to that given, you can change tension to get different measuremen­ts. See table opposite for informatio­n on how tension will affect the garment measuremen­ts. Note that you will need more yarn if working to a looser tension.


Note: colour changes are always made on the WS.

Row 1-21: Yarn A.

Row 22-25: Yarn B.

Row 26-41: Yarn A.

Row 42-49: Yarn C.

Row 50-51: Yarn D.

Row 52-59: Yarn C.

Row 60-75: Yarn A.

Row 76-79: Yarn B. Row 80-95: Yarn A. Row 96-103: Yarn C. Row 104-105: Yarn D. Row 106-113: Yarn C. Row 114-129: Yarn A. Row 130-133: Yarn B. Row 134-149: Yarn A. Row 150-157: Yarn C. Row 158-159: Yarn D. Row 160-167: Yarn C. Row 168-183: Yarn A. Row 184-187: Yarn B . Row 188-203: Yarn A. Row 204-211: Yarn C. Row 212-213: Yarn D. Row 214-221: Yarn C. Row 222-237: Yarn A. Row 238-241: Yarn B . Row 242-262: Yarn A.


*With yarn held at back, inset tip of right needle in to the first st on the left needle as if to purl and insert tip of right needle into the second stitch as if to knit. Pull the second st through the first st and knit it, slipping both sts off the needle. Slip the st from the right needle to the left. Repeat from * to end.


Using a crochet hook and waste yarn, chain 188 sts. Cut yarn and pull through the last st.

Row 1: Using 3.25mm needles and yarn A, pick up and knit 182 sts into the back of the chain, leaving 3 crochet sts empty at beg and end of chain.

Note: The body is worked in garter stitch throughout. The first stitch in each row is a selvedge stitch, so it is slipped.

Following Stripe Sequence, shape as folls: Row 2 (WS): Sl 1, K to end.

Row 3: Sl 1, M1, K to last st, M1, K1. 184 sts. Row 4: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 5: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 6: Sl 1, M1, K to last st, M1, K1.

2 sts inc’d.

Row 7-90: Rep rows 4-6 another 28 times. The increases will alternate between odd and even rows. 242 sts.

Row 91-137: Sl 1, K to end.


Row 138 (WS): Sl 1, K67 and place these sts on a holder for Left Front and armhole, K106, place rem 68 sts on a second holder for right front and armhole.

Note: Right front and armhole sts have not completed row 138.


Following Stripe Sequence, shape as folls:


Row 139 (RS): Sl 1, skpo, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 2 sts dec’d.

Row 140: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 141-166: Rep last 2 rows another 13 times. 78 sts.

Row 167-262: Sl 1, K to end.

Place sts on a holder.


With RS facing, slip first 28 sts from holder for Left Front and place on a second holder

for armhole. Rejoin yarn A to 40 sts rem sts for Left Front.

Following Stripe Sequence, shape as folls: Row 139 (RS dec): Sl 1, skpo, K to end. 1 st dec’d.

Row 140: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 141-150: Rep last 2 rows another 5 times. 34 sts.

Row 151-153: Rep dec row another 3 times. 31 sts.

Row 154: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 155-157: Rep dec row another 3 times.

28 sts.

Row 158: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 159-161: Rep dec row another 3 times.

25 sts.

Row 162: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 163-165: Rep dec row another 3 times.

22 sts.

Row 166-167: Sl 1, K to end. Row 168: Rep dec row. 21 sts. Row 169-171: Sl 1, K to end. Row 172: Rep dec row. 20 sts. Row 173-175: Sl 1, K to end. Row 176: Rep dec row. 19 sts. Row 177-183: Sl 1, K to end. Row 184: Rep dec row. 18 sts. Row 185-191: Sl 1, K to end. Row 192: Rep dec row. 17 sts. Row 193-199: Sl 1, K to end. Row 200: Rep dec row. 16 sts. Row 201-207: Sl 1, K to end. Row 208: Rep dec row. 15 sts. Row 209-215: Sl 1, K to end. Row 216: Rep dec row. 14 sts. Row 217-223: Sl 1, K to end. Row 224: Rep dec row. 13 sts. Row 225-231: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 232: Rep dec row. 12 sts. Row 233-262: Sl 1, K to end.

Graft these 12 sts together with the 12 last sts of back. 66 sts rem on holder for the Back.


Following Stripe Sequence, with WS facing, rejoin yarn to sts on hold for Right Front and shape as folls:

Row 138 (WS): Sl 1, K to end.

Row 139 (RS): Sl 1, K36 sts, K2tog, K1.

Place rem 28 sts of Right Front for armhole on a holder.

39 sts.

Row 140: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 141 (RS dec): Sl 1, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 1 st dec’d.

Row 142: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 143-150: Rep last 2 rows another 4 times. 34 sts.

Row 151-153: Rep dec row another 3 times. 31 sts.

Row 154: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 155-157: Rep dec row another 3 times. 3 sts dec’d. 28 sts.

Row 158: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 159-161: Rep dec row another 3 times. 3 sts dec’d. 25 sts.

Row 162: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 163-165: Rep dec row another 3 times. 22 sts.

Row 166-167: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 168: Rep dec row. 21 sts.

Row 169-171: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 172: Rep dec row. 20 sts.

Row 173-175: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 176: Rep dec row. 19 sts.

Row 177-183: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 184: Rep dec row. 18 sts.

Row 185-191: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 192: Rep dec row. 17 sts.

Row 193-199: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 200: Rep dec row. 16 sts.

Row 201-207: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 208: Rep dec row. 15 sts.

Row 209-215: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 216: Rep dec row. 14 sts.

Row 217-223: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 224: Rep dec row. 13 sts.

Row 225-231: Sl 1, K to end.

Row 232: Rep dec row. 12 sts.

Row 233-262: Sl 1, K to end .

Graft together these 12 sts with the 12 first sts of back. 54 sts rem on holder for the Back.


The border is worked in latticed slip garter.

The first stitch in each row is a selvedge stitch, so it is slipped.


Round 1-2: Yarn B. Round 3-4: Yarn E. Round 5-6: Yarn B. Round 7-8: Yarn F. Round 9-10: Yarn B. Round 11-12: Yarn D. Round 13-14: Yarn B. Round 15-16: Yarn F. Round 17-18: Yarn B. Round 19-20: Yarn E. Round 21-23: Yarn B.


With RS facing, using 3.25mm DPNs and following the Border Stripe Sequence above, work in rows as follows:

Row 1 (RS): Beg at centre of 28 held sts,

K14 (live sts), pick up and knit 127 sts around armhole, K14 (live sts). 155 sts.

Row 2 (WS dec): Sl 1, skpo, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. 153 sts.

Row 3: Sl 1, (K1, Sl 1) to end.

Row 4: Rep dec row. 151 sts.

Row 5: Sl 1, (Sl 1, K1) to end.

Row 6: Rep dec row. 149 sts.

Rows 7-22: Rep rows 3-6 another 4 times. 133 sts.

Row 23: Change to 4mm needles and cast off using the Icelandic cast-off method (see Pattern Notes).


With RS facing, using 3.25mm circular needles and following the Border Stripe Sequence above, rejoin yarn to bottom left front corner of waistcoat and work in rows as follows, undoing the provisiona­l cast-on before you work across the lower edge: Row 1 (RS): Puk 1, pm, puk 43, pm, puk 1, pm, puk 31, pm, puk 1, pm, puk 56, K54 (back neck), puk 56, pm, puk 1, pm, puk 31, pm, puk 1, pm, puk 43, pm, puk 1, pm, K182 (lower edge).

502 sts.

Row 2 (WS inc): Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, m3in1, slm, K43, slm, KFB, slm, K31, slm, KFB, slm, K166, slm, KFB, slm, K31, slm, KFB, slm, K43, slm, m3in1.

8 sts inc’d in all corners. 510 sts.

Row 3 and all odd rows: Sl 1, (K1, Sl 1) to last st, K1.

Row 4: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm , K1, m3in1, K1, slm, K to next mrk, slm, m3in1, pm, K1, remove marker, K31, slm, m3in1, pm, K1, remove marker, K166, remove marker, K1, pm, m3in1, slm, K31, remove marker ,K1, pm, m3in1, slm, K to next mrk, slm, K1, m3in1, K1.

12 sts inc’d in all corners. 522 sts.

Row 6: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, K2, m3in1, K2, slm, (K to next mrk, slm, K1, m3in1, K1, slm) 4 times, K to next mrk, slm, K2, m3in1, K2.

12 sts inc’d in all corners. 534 sts.

Row 8: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm K3, m3in1, K3, K to last 7 sts (slipping mrks), K3, m3in1, K3. 4 sts inc’d in bottom corners . 538 sts.

Row 10: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, K4, m3in1, K4, slm, (K to next mrk, slm, K2, m3in1, K2, slm) 4 times, K to next mrk, slm, K4, m3in1, K4.

12 sts inc’d in all corners. 550 sts.

Row 12: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, K5, m3in1, K5, K to last 11 sts (slipping mrks), K5, m3in1, K5. 4 sts inc’d in bottom corners. 554 sts. Row 14: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, K6, m3in1, K6, slm, (K to next mrk, slm, K3, m3in1, K3, slm) 4 times, K to next mrk, slm, K6, m3in1, K6.

12 sts inc’d in all corners. 566 sts.

Row 16: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, K7, m3in1, K7, K to last 15 sts (slipping mrks), K7, m3in1, K7. 4 sts inc’d in bottom corners. 570 sts. Row 18: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, K8, m3in1, K8, slm, (K to next mrk, K4, m3in1, K4, slm) 4 times, K to next mrk, slm, K8, m3in1, K8. 12 sts inc’d in all corners. 582 sts.

Row 20: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, K9, m3in1, K9, K to last 19 sts (slipping mrks), K9, m3in1, K9. 4 sts inc’d in bottom corners. 586 sts. Row 22: Sl 1, K to mrk, slm, K10, m3in1, K10, (K to next mrk, slm, K5, m3in1, K5, slm) 4 times, K to next mrk, slm, K10, m3in1, K10.

12 sts inc’d in all corners. 598 sts.

Row 23: Change to 4mm needles and cast off using the Icelandic cast-off method.


Sew up border seams. Weave in ends.

Wash gently using wool wash, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band. Squeeze but do not wring out excess water, then wrap in a towel and press to gently remove as much water as possible.

Dry in shape, for example by placing two oblong pillows in a plastic bag and covering them with a towel (make sure the ‘dummy’ you are creating is slightly wider than the waistcoat so as to get a positive ease). Tease the waistcoat to shape over the ‘dummy’ and pin it in place. Leave to dry completely before unpinning.

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 ??  ?? The garter stitch fabric has the ‘wrong side’ facing out
The garter stitch fabric has the ‘wrong side’ facing out

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