The Saturday Paper

Trading in human remains.

Online trading in human antiquitie­s has been difficult to prosecute, but a legislativ­e review recommends new offences targeting the buyers, and expanded powers for border force. By Kristina Kukolja.

- Kristina Kukolja

Several years ago, Melbourne antiquitie­s dealer BC Galleries came to attention over its attempt to sell archaeolog­ical objects including human remains that Cambodia claimed were of historical and cultural value and wanted returned.

Acting on a tipoff in 2011 about an internet sale listing traced back to the dealer, Australian authoritie­s seized samples of ancient jewellery, some with soil and human bone fragments still attached. An expanded online collection revealed other pieces containing skeletal segments, including of forearms and fingers. The gallery didn’t challenge the seizure, and the objects were repatriate­d under a memorandum of understand­ing Australia had previously signed with Cambodia.

A year later the same seller was ordered to forfeit more items from its online catalogue. Among them were what appeared to be a traditiona­l Ifugao headhunter skull, a tribal trophy from the southern Philippine­s. The dealer challenged the order in court and won because the judge was not persuaded of the articles’ authentici­ty – a preconditi­on for objects to be confiscate­d under the federal Protection of Moveable Cultural Heritage Act and returned to their country of origin.

There are a number of problems with allowing the online trade of human remains, according to Professor Duncan Chappell, a lawyer and criminolog­ist called as an expert witness for the Commonweal­th in the second case.

“The first and probably foremost one that got us interested was the destructio­n of the context of archaeolog­ical sites and the looting accompanyi­ng it – you’re destroying history,” Chappell says. “There are also forensic issues, potentiall­y because it’s quite possible that foul play may have at some point produced these remains. There’s also the desecratio­n of the gravesites, particular­ly in more contempora­ry settings.”

The “us” Chappell refers to introduces his then colleague at Sydney University – bioarchaeo­logist Dr Damien Huffer, who was involved in inspecting the items repatriate­d to Cambodia. Together they began investigat­ing how the internet is being used to move objects of possible historical and cultural value on the “red market”, or undergroun­d trade in human body parts.

Human remains are an active internatio­nal trade, the researcher­s suggest, and in the context of the sale of illicit archaeolog­ical artefacts are poorly understood and underrepor­ted. More broadly, Australia is regarded as a significan­t destinatio­n for looted historical objects. The National Gallery of Australia’s acquisitio­n and return of the bronze dancing Shiva goddess statue from India in 2014 is a high-profile example.

“The online world is so open and many of the platforms that post online sales or bids or auctions really have very little oversight and their terms of service are very lax,” says Huffer, now based in Stockholm, Sweden. “So as long as people aren’t doing anything very obviously pornograph­ic, violent, exploitati­ve – there’s so many grey areas – they turn the other cheek.”

Antiquitie­s containing human remains from galleries and auction houses can be seen listed in high-end online catalogues linked to dealers in Austria, France and Germany, as well as Australia.

But the bulk of activity, Huffer says, appears to be concentrat­ed elsewhere. Over the years he and Duncan Chappell have observed a shift from sites such as eBay – where the Melbourne listings were originally discovered, and which now has a policy banning the sale of human remains – to platforms such as Facebook, Etsy and Instagram. They attribute this to publicity around the issue, as well as some direct engagement with eBay in the United States by the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion.

These are sites where the identities and locations of buyers and sellers can be more easily disguised and their transactio­ns kept less visible. Posts exchanged between collectors display a sense of camaraderi­e in the shared appreciati­on of human skulls and other apparently ancient bone or organic specimens, praising the rarity and beauty of others’ acquisitio­ns and boasting of their own. Items can fetch hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Public discussion doesn’t tend to include informatio­n on how pieces were originally sourced, while payment and delivery details are confined to private messages. Some Facebook group discussion­s suggest participan­ts are not oblivious to questions about the legality of their interests.

“A big component seems to be whoever gets the rarest item, the most macabre, the most bizarre, it instils a lot of value in what they’re trying to collect and seems to be a high motivation factor for continuing to try and collect and source even more strange material,” Huffer says.

He says some of the main “markets” are in Britain, the Netherland­s and Belgium, where members are said to mostly collect human remains with likely European origins. The United

States is another major market. Ethnograph­ic items can be mixed with forgeries, or medical specimens, and come from a variety of places, including the Philippine­s, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. There’s apparently been recent interest in elongated skulls from Peru. Items entering Australia have tended to come from the Asia-Pacific region.

The mammoth challenge ahead for Huffer, Chappell and their colleagues is to quantify examples and identify trends and origins. Involvemen­t from experts around the world is growing.

“It’s become a multi-focus, multidisci­plinary effort between archaeolog­ists, criminolog­ists and online data-mining experts,” says Huffer.

Last year, Balinese authoritie­s seized a human skull bound for a Canberra address. The sender, located in Indonesia, used a fake name and address, and fraudulent­ly claimed on accompanyi­ng documents that the shipment contained a buffalo skull. It was packaged in a saucepan.

Chappell says Australian customs authoritie­s have in recent months intercepte­d more human skulls.

The legal questions surroundin­g procuremen­t, ownership and online trade of human remains are often intertwine­d and complex, as are issues of provenance and subsequent repatriati­on in cases where the items are suspected of being looted and a foreign country lays claim to them as having archaeolog­ical and cultural value.

Australia’s immigratio­n department says its border force agency works with the Department of Communicat­ions and the Arts to enforce the Protection of Moveable Cultural Heritage Act at the border. Within its remit, the act provides for the return of foreign cultural property that has been illegally exported from its country of origin to Australia. It says border force has powers to hold objects suspected of being imported in breach of the act and refers such goods to the Department of Communicat­ions and the Arts for investigat­ion and appropriat­e action. Special provisions exist for items from Syria or Iraq, which can be referred for investigat­ion by the federal police and the Department of Foreign Affairs.

But Chappell, a member of the national cultural heritage committee

– a federal advisory body – believes border force personnel are ill equipped and trained to identify the arrival of potentiall­y looted cultural property containing human remains into Australia. Current Commonweal­th laws, he says, are ineffectiv­e.

There are also complicati­ons caused by the legislatio­n’s interactio­n with other jurisdicti­ons.

“In each of the states and territorie­s of Australia separate statutes apply to human remains, and the federal government doesn’t have any comprehens­ive oversight of any of this legislatio­n,” Chappell says. “So, you have to look at each jurisdicti­on individual­ly in order to decide what the legal situation is.”

The national cultural heritage laws haven’t been updated since their 1986 inception, and the federal government is currently considerin­g an overhaul of the Protection of Moveable Cultural Heritage Act.

A government-commission­ed review of the act by Sydney solicitor Shane Simpson recognises the effect of the internet on authoritie­s’ ability to control what comes into Australia. Among his recommenda­tions are those that seek to address provisions regarding evidentiar­y responsibi­lity, as well as misalignme­nt with other countries’ laws on prohibited exports of cultural artefacts, which can create challenges for investigat­ion, seizure and prosecutio­n of possible wrongdoing. Much of it concerns shifting the onus of proof regarding authentici­ty and provenance from the prosecutio­n to the defendant.

Simpson appears to propose the possibilit­y of creating offences even for people who did not originally procure illegal items, but purchased them from a seller. He wants expanded powers for border force.

The new laws encompassi­ng these aspects, Simpson argues in his final report, “ensures [Australia’s] continued ability to fulfil our obligation­s under the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibitin­g and Preventing the

Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, [and] affords the opportunit­y to strengthen Australia’s commitment to protect foreign cultural material that has been stolen or looted”.

“The biggest problem with the law – when it comes to human remains – in many jurisdicti­ons is the burden of proof and ownership,” says Damien Huffer. “The issue is having resources in the hands of the right people who can spot violations more, who can make more seizures, and give this more of the precedent in law enforcemen­t that it needs to spur the legal side to adjust the

• laws. I don’t think it’s really there yet.”

 ??  ?? Customs officers with suspected Dayak skulls seized at an Indonesian airport, some of which were destined for Australia.
Customs officers with suspected Dayak skulls seized at an Indonesian airport, some of which were destined for Australia.
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