The Weekend Post - Real Estate


Act swiftly to take advantage of extended HomeBuilde­r scheme


DEADLINES! Whether it’s that final assignment for university or this weekly column, deadlines constantly creep up on us – and the one for the HomeBuilde­r grant is fast approachin­g, set to expire on 31 December 2020 without any extension in sight … or so we thought.

Though I may sound like a broken record at this point, it bears repeating – never have I in my entire career seen a government stimulus program have such a pronounced (positive) impact on the real estate market. Demand for vacant land to be able to build on and be eligible for HomeBuilde­r has far outstrippe­d supply; so much so it’s now reached the point I’m receiving calls and texts daily from buyers in search of land and desperate to sign a contract. The last time I had a block fall over and become available again, a new contract was signed within two hours for an extra $5000 over the previous price!

This has only progressed the situation with more urgency as the deadline for a build contract looms, meaning a buyer that misses out today is going to miss out on an extra $30,000 to go with their new home. As of last weekend, however, that pressure has come off somewhat with a number of points relating to the HomeBuilde­r grant now extended, opening up options for buyers.

The headline of course is that eligibilit­y has now been extended to 31 March, 2021 to have a building contract signed, albeit at a lesser amount of $15,000 for those signing up from 1 January, 2021. Further good news for anyone panicking about having their builder commence within the three-month required period is that this has now been drawn out to six months from signing, and is also retrospect­ive to include all HomeBuilde­r applicants since 4 June, 2020.

Until the Queensland government makes an announceme­nt about its own stimulus, we won’t know whether the extra $5000 will still be included, but $30,000 still makes for an awfully nice leg-up into the market for a first home buyer.

So, what do you do with this informatio­n? For buyers, if you had written off your chances of finding a block of land, you now have a slight reprieve – but don’t waste any time ensuring everything’s in order.

Tackle your finance, line up a builder and be ready to move fast as new supply becomes available. For sellers, it’s a bit easier – just pick the right agent and leave it to them!

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