The Weekend Post

Organ gift legacy of stab hero


TOM Jackson’s family’s decision to donate his organs has been praised as a lasting legacy for the Home Hill hero.

The organs of the British backpacker, 30, who died after trying to protect Mia Ayliffe-Chung in last week’s stabbing frenzy, will now help save the lives of others.

Burdekin MP Dale Last said the Jackson family’s decision would save and improve the lives of North Queensland­ers in desperate need of donated organs.

“It’s a very selfless act,” he said. “At such a difficult time to have to make that decision is so hard.

“It’s very sad that Tom has lost his life but now he has given life as well, and no doubt those people that will receive Tom’s organs will be so grateful.”

Mr Last also said it was “highly probable” a permanent memorial to Mr Jackson and Ms Ayliffe-Chung would be installed in Home Hill.

“It has rocked the tight-knit town and it will take a long time to heal,” he said.

Townsville MP Scott Stewart said the people of Townsville and the Burdekin would remember Tom’s sacrifice and his legacy.

“Several people of Townsville’s lives will be better because of this,” he said. “I’m sure we will never forget Tom.”

Mr Stewart said the family’s decision was an important reminder to everyone to make sure they know what their loved ones’ wishes are in regards to organ donation.

“Everyone in our family knows exactly what everyone’s wishes (are) in the case of the worst,” he said.

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