The Weekend Post



1546: Death of Martin Luther (above), German theologian who led the Protestant reformatio­n.

1885: Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberr­y Finn is published in the United States for the first time.

1930: Clyde William Tombaugh, working with photograph­ic plates at the Lowell Observator­y in Flagstaff Arizona, discovers Pluto.

1960: The last Bondi tram shoots through to the Sydney beachside suburb before the service is closed.

1980: Liberal Party under Pierre Trudeau wins Canadian federal election

1988: Boris Yeltsin is ousted from ruling Communist Party Politburo in Moscow

1992: Libya produces two men accused of blowing up an American jetliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, but insists they’ll never go to trial in the West

2000: Iran holds parliament­ary elections that result in a stunning victory for President Mohammad Khatami’s reformist allies

2010: President Obama welcomes the Dalai Lama to the White House

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