The Weekend Post

On Elton John concert


Is Cairns Regional Council going to re- coup our $300,000 out of the ticket sales for the Elton John show? If not, why not?

Graham, Bungalow

To Dee (23/2). The so-called geriatric has-beens’ music will live forever. Today’s music lucky to live for a year. Just look at ACDC, still pack a full house. Keep bringing all the oldies back to Cairns, thank you.

AJC, Innisfail

Wondering if Star FM will have to relax their no 70s policy in honour of Sir Elton?

Blue Eyes and Nikita are fine but the 70s were his finest decade.

Reg Dwight, Brinsmead

On other matters

The Victorian government is using its desalinati­on plant for the first time even though its dams are two-thirds full. A cable fault means diesel generators will power the plant by burning 150,000 litres of diesel per day. Green lunacy at its finest.

Higgs, Tolga

Lyn Cronin (letters 23/2). The state Labor government with Curtis Pitt as a member, provided the cruise ship terminal, the promenade into the city and Esplanade. Cruise ship visits to Cairns have more than doubled since this infrastruc­ture. The convention centre, hailed as Cairns’ best asset, was also provided by a state Labor government.

City Dweller, Cairns

On abortion, Matchett (23/2) says “a few moments of lust gives no man rights”. But if the woman opts to keep the baby to raise as a single mother, the lustful man without rights gets 18 years of financial responsibi­lity.

Miss T, Tolga

Susie O’Brien is correct, ’No place for Trad’s comments’ (CP 24/2). Trad should be deported. Any Muslim, in particular a Muslim leader, who disagrees is tacitly supporting Trad.

Diane, Redlynch

Bill Shorten can’t lead a viable opposition, so any advice to Israeli leader Netanyahu seems out of order. What next, Bill, mentoring The Donald?

David the cabbie, Woree

Fran Clayton (letters 21/2), I agree entirely. It seems that some people will fight vigorously for the wellbeing of foetuses, while at the same time ignoring issues that jeopardise the wellbeing of everyone, such as climate change. Are we supposed to stop caring about people once they’re born? Weird.

Daniel, Bentley Park

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