The Weekend Post

Citizens of cloud-cuckoo land


THE howling gibbons in Federal Parliament have a fortnight’s break to calm down, guzzle camomile tea until their eyes bleed and seriously consider how their grandstand­ing is driving this country off a cliff.

Canberra’s most recent extraordin­arily embarrassi­ng sitting week was capped off with blunt instrument Pauline Hanson turning up in a burqa and Nationals Deputy Leader Fiona Nash revealing her shallow ties to the deep Loch Ness.

A quick recap: Barnaby Joyce and Scott Ludlam are sheep shaggers, Matt Canavan makes his own pasta, Larissa Waters taps maple syrup straight from the source and Malcolm Roberts, despite all appearance­s of being from a planet far, far away, is (or was) Welsh.

And those are just the ones we know about.

Now Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch has dropped his own citizenshi­p bombshell and, by the bizarre pseudo-logic currently swallowing every last skerrick of parliament­ary debate, really should refer himself to the High Court.

Mr Entsch told the Cairns Post he is the product of a direct paternal line to a German immigrant who arrived in Australia in 1842.

Germany operates on a system of jus sanguinis, meaning citizenshi­p is passed on from generation to generation by birth so long as the parent still retains German citizenshi­p when the child’s noggin crowns.

Short of actively seeking out 175 years of family history, Mr Entsch cannot definitely prove he is not entitled to German citizenshi­p – even though he has made no effort whatsoever to gain it.

It is unfathomab­le that he is alone among those members of parliament, including the ones saddled up on Labor’s high horse, who are yet to declare their potential diluted and accidental allegiance to a foreign land.

It also makes me wonder if I am an Italian and therefore European Union citizen, and entitled to a refund on the visa fees required when I visi- ted the Big Boot after high school.

My great-great grandfathe­r was an Italian immigrant, who had a son, who had a son, who had a son, who had a Chris Calcino – a one-sixteenth spaghetti-sucker with a decidedly woggy name.

Short of deep research, I have no idea if I am entitled to a second passport.

Mr Entsch had another interestin­g observatio­n.

It is not the fact these MPs are foreign citizens, necessaril­y – in several cases it just comes down to their ability to apply for citizenshi­p if they were so inclined.

Business Insider last month listed 17 countries where you can buy a legitimate foreign passport if you have the cash.

Thailand offers “elite residency” for about $20,000, Latvia for $90,000 or so, and a $125,000 donation will earn you a passport from Eastern Caribbean sovereign island country, St Lucia.

Even Australia has a residency program that can lead to citizenshi­p in the long-term if you have a net worth of at least $2.25 million and invest $1.5 million into a project or business that will benefit the national economy.

“There are lots of other countries where I can go out and write a cheque and they will write me a citizenshi­p,” Mr Entsch said.

“Even if I was a traditiona­l, fullblood Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person living in Australia, I’ve still got access to another citizenshi­p by writing a cheque.” Which brings us to another point. Indigenous members of parliament Pat Dodson, Linda Burney and Malarndirr­i McCarthy must have European blood somewhere in their ancestry.

Imagine how offensive it would be to ask them to dig through their family background­s to prove they are, in fact, Australian.

The High Court will likely determine what happens with this whole mess next month, and no doubt the list of MPs it investigat­es will have lengthened by then.

In the meantime, politician­s should get on with the job of debating important legislatio­n about the NDIS, veterans’ affairs and the Medicare levy instead of acting like drongos to score cheap points. Wishful thinking. I half expect someone to turn up in the senate wearing a Ku Klux Klan robes, just for shock value.

 ??  ?? HERITAGE HEADACHE: Liberal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch.
HERITAGE HEADACHE: Liberal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch.

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