The Weekend Post

Snapshot of true blue life


THE Australia in Mareeba author Dick Eussen’s work is a striking contrast to the cute roos and koala campaign that is often associated with the country.

Having spent 20 years of his life in Mount Isa and various remote parts of the Top End, Mr Eussen is well acquainted with what life’s truly like in the bush.

It is that lived experience and intimate knowledge that comes alive in his literary works of fiction, the latest of which is The Crocodile Coast.

“I wrote Stone Country Justice last year which was loosely based on events which happened in Arnhem Land in the 1980s,” Mr Eussen said.

“Then I decided to write The Crocodile Coast. Again, there’s some events which did happen, I embellishe­d them a fair bit to protect the guilty but you know, there’s some of the characters I’ve met,” he said.

“All the spots described in the book I’ve been there. I first visited Karumba in 1963, and I’ve been going back. I’ve fished there a fair bit, all along the coast, every major river system between Cairns and Broome over the years.”

A household name in the realm of fishing, travel, nature and the great outdoors, Mr Eussen wrote seven factual books and made numerous magazine contributi­ons before his foray into fiction.

His advice for those that want to break into publishing is simple.

“You’ve got to know your subject, its pretty important,” Mr Eussen said.

“Study the market that you want to get into. You need to look at what it is all about and then write with knowledge.”

His latest novel is a thrilling read that chronicles murder, crime and detective drama that ensues in the wake of organised crime gang “the Barramundi Mafia” spreading its tentacles along the Gulf of Carpenteri­a coast, the domain of crocodiles.

“I’ve had quite a few encounters with crocodiles over the years,” Mr Eussen said.

“Years ago, my brother-inlaw and I, we used to catch and provide it to a small zoo in Mount Isa, nothing under a metre-and-a-half,” he said.

“I did shoot a few crocodiles

for their skins but then I was actually involved in the protection of crocodiles for several years. I’ve had one almost take me out of a boat when I fell asleep. Some sixth sense alerted me and woke me up and I threw myself forward and then

it missed me, it was close. These things happen when you’re out in the bush, I spent all my life out in the bush.”

The Crocodile Coast is available at online bookstores and can be ordered for purchase at most bookshops.

 ?? ?? Mareeba author Dick Eussen has released a new book (right) titled The Crocodile Coast.
Mareeba author Dick Eussen has released a new book (right) titled The Crocodile Coast.

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