The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Harvest research


While Birchip Cropping Group plot harvesters are making their way around various research sites in the Mallee, harvest of a different kind is also occurring in the Wimmera.

2Q 2FWREHU WKH ¿UVW PDWXULW\ FXWV ± D PHWK od of taking a small quadrat sample of a mature crop – were collected from particular plots as part of the Grains Research Developmen­t CorSRUDWLR­Q 2SWLPLVLQJ &DQROD 3UR¿WDELOLW\ SURMHFW at Longerenon­g.

$ ZHHN ODWHU WKH KHDGHU KDUYHVWHG %&*¶V ¿UVW trial at Kinnabulla in the southern Mallee.

Maturity cuts started in the Wimmera early because some of the plots were ripe.

This early maturity is a result of some of the eight varieties, two sowing dates and two nitroJHQ DSSOLFDWLR­Q WLPLQJV IDYRXULQJ DQ HDUO\ ¿QLVK Remaining plots will mature at later dates. To get the most out of these trials, yield informatio­n needs to be collected at the maturity of various maturities.

,I WKH ZKROH WULDO ZDV OHIW XQWLO DOO WKH ¿QDO treatment matured, the resulting yields would EHQH¿W ORQJHU VHDVRQ YDULHWLHV

Collecting maturity cuts also allows researcher­s to collect the whole plant, meaning not only are yields collected, but a harvest index – the ratio between grain and dry matter produced – is recorded as well.

+DUYHVW LQGH[ LV WKH UDWLR RI VWUDZ WR JUDLQ ,W provides an understand­ing of the reproducti­ve HI¿FLHQF\ RI WKH SODQW RU KRZ ZHOO LW WXUQV JUHHQ leaf matter into grain.

7KHUH DUH PDQ\ IDFWRUV WKDW LQÀXHQFH KDUYHVW index, including the energy and protein content of seeds, long-term breeding achievemen­ts, extreme temperatur­es, delayed sowing and more.

Delayed sowing shortens the length of the vegetative phase, resulting in less plant matter to grain as a ratio, and therefore harvest index would be higher.

Most importantl­y for the grower, yield data is collected to assess canola varieties and management strategies.

Two other trials in the Wimmera from which maturity cuts were taken are the GRDC Developmen­t of Crop Management Packages for Early Sown, Slow Developing Wheats in the Southern Region and the GRDC National Frost Initiative.

For more informatio­n on the BCG Wimmera research program stay tuned to this column. AlWHUQDWLY­HO\ SKRQH WKH %&* RI¿FH RQ

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