The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Network to bring benefits


Rainbow district farmers will VRRQ EH WKH EHQH¿FLDULHV RI a new soil-moisture probe network in the region.

Rainbow and District Landcare Group, with advice from Agricultur­e Victoria, has created the network.

Agricultur­e Victoria HopetounED­VHG H[WHQVLRQ RI¿FHU +HDWKHU Drendel said the network, made SRVVLEOH ZLWK ¿QDQFLDO VXSSRUW IURP Wimmera and Mallee catchment management authoritie­s, would be a valuable tool for farmers.

She said farmers could hear how to use data from the network to PDQDJH ULVNV DQG LQFUHDVH SUR¿W ability at a free Agricultur­e Victoria informatio­n forum at Rainbow on December 17.

Ms Drendel said the forum would provide district producers with an opportunit­y to meet over breakfast and gain an understand­ing of the EHQH¿WV RI WKH GHYHORSPHQ­W

During the forum, Agricultur­e Victoria’s seasonal risk agronomist Dale Boyd will present an example of the data generated by the network and translate the informatio­n so it is relevant to farmers and can be used as a risk-management tool.

Birchip Cropping Group technical RI¿FHU &KULV &RRN ZLOO H[SODLQ KRZ farmers can receive the soil-moisture data through the ‘blue node’, and how the informatio­n can be used.

Ms Drendel said soil-moisture data could help grain growers manage inputs, particular­ly nitrogen, and could also be used to make crop-rotation decisions. “Knowing soil-moisture levels helps to better assess the production risk of different crop types and improve estimation­s of potential yield during the season,” she said.

The free forum will be at The Oasis, the former Rainbow Primary School site. The event will start at 7.30am with a breakfast, with the forum starting at 8.30am.

People seeking more informatio­n can call Ms Drendel on 0427 868 705.

 ??  ?? INFORMATIO­N: Agricultur­e Victoria’s seasonal risk agronomist Dale Boyd, pictured, will be a presenter at a Rainbow forum.
INFORMATIO­N: Agricultur­e Victoria’s seasonal risk agronomist Dale Boyd, pictured, will be a presenter at a Rainbow forum.

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