Time Out (Sydney)


What’s best on the stage this month?


Bell RICHARDSha­kespeare re-cast3 Shakespear­e’sthrough a woman’s bloody eye. drama Kate murderous Mulvany monarch.will play the Bennelong àSydney Point, Opera Sydney House, 2000. www.bellshakes­peare.com.au. $35-$92. Feb 25-Apr 1. MARK COLVIN'S KIDNEY Tommy Murphy dramatises the unlikely friendship between Australian journo Colvin and expat businesswo­man Mary-Ellen Field. àBelvoir St Theatre, 25 Belvoir St, Surry Hills 2010. belvoir.com. au. $37-$72. Feb 25-Apr 2. AWAY STC will be “blowing the sentimenta­l cobwebs” off Gow’s much-produced play from 1986 about theatre, family and mortality. ÒSydney Opera House, Bennelong Point, Sydney 2000. www.sydneyoper­ahouse.com. $77-$105. Until Mar 23. Ô BLACK BIRDS Emele Ugavule and Ayeesha Ash blend music, storytelli­ng and spoken word to explore what it means to be a woman of colour in modern-day Australia. ÒJoan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre, 597 High St, Penrith 2750. 02 4723 7600. thejoan.com.au. $30$35. Mar 30-Apr 8.

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