Time Out (Sydney)

Sarah Mycock, PS40

Bartending was nearly a non-starter for this talented rookie


“EVEN AT MY first hospitalit­y job I wanted to be behind the bar,” says Sarah Mycock. But after six years working the floor the dream of wielding a Toby tin was no closer. It took quitting outright with no plan in place to help her finally vault the counter – that’s when Thor Bergquist recruited her for PS40, the bar he co-owns with Michael Chiem. Chiem is full of praise for the persistent young bartender. “We’re looking for the right personalit­y. People come to the bar just to see her. She has a following of regular customers. It’s a testament to her interperso­nal skills.” Not only is she a great bartender, but she has also mastered the bottling runs for the housemade sodas. “It’s a unique skill and a whole new ballgame when it comes to drinks prep,” says Chiem. To Mycock, the key to excellent service is about reading the room. “It can be intimidati­ng to walk into a bar, so you need to break down that barrier between server and customer.” Of course, she knows that not everyone is there to hear about the exact ingredient­s of the housemade aquavit. “At Lobo Plantation, we used to say people are a rock or a sponge. They either want to absorb everything, or have no interest and just want a quiet drink.” Not a lot of rocks come to PS40, which is what makes Mycock such a valued team player, and this year’s Hot Talent Award recipient. à40 King St, Sydney 2000. www.ps-soda.com. Mon-Thu 4pm-midnight; Fri, Sat 4pm-2am; Sun 6pm-midnight.

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