Total Film

“It’s fantastic being an action figure...”

John Boyega suits up…


So what’s it like to be part of the Star

Wars saga?

It’s shocking. It’s shocking, it’s exciting, and it feels like a blessing to be part of something that people just love so much. And also, more importantl­y, a responsibi­lity. But so far it’s calm before the storm and it feels steady. I’m not banking on it [ staying that way], though!

As trailers are released, what does that ramped expectatio­n do to the actors?

I think specifical­ly the first trailer we were given, the first teaser, was obviously composed with original music from John Williams. That itself gives the fans the expectatio­n of this picture paying homage to the originals. Because the music is there. You can tell they’re practical effects. When you see BB-8, you know that it’s puppetry. It’s a real droid. So those things make people feel like, “You know what? They’re gonna go back to the originals with this one.”

What was it like to get to work with the original cast, like Harrison Ford?

Harrison’s great. I had a fixated excitement to meet the dude because I love Han Solo so much. And also because I thought it would be fun to get under his skin at certain times. I call him my best friend on set. I remember saying to Harrison, “Are me and you best friends?” He goes, “No.” I go, “Why?” He goes, “I don’t like you, kid.” But it’s a really, really great test. Especially with Mark. Mark’s got really great stories about his experience­s. And Carrie’s got Gary the dog to keep you entertaine­d while she tells you about certain things. But they’re all very, very fun and enthusiast­ic to come back… It’s hard to really know what it’s like for them coming back.

What did Star Wars mean to you in Peckham when you were growing up?

It just meant, like, action figures. Action figures, games, movies, toys. What it means to any other kids, to be honest with you. It was an experience. I got a Darth Maul action figure. Then after doing enough research, I was released into a world of Jedis and flying things. As a young kid, I definitely was into all of that kind of stuff. It was definitely cool to be Han Solo for a few days, then re-enact… whoever gets the low end of the stick has to be Darth Vader. [ laughs]

What about becoming an action figure yourself – is that weird to think about?

I think it’s fantastic. I’ve used it for my family. My mum and dad are like, “John, are you travelling again?” I’m like, “Yes, Dad. But take this. You can have me all the time.” That’s the main reason why I’m into this merchandis­e, so I can be everywhere at once. [ laughs]

Can you keep your lightsaber?

I’m going to. Because so many people have asked me that, I’m actually going to say, “Can I have a saber please?” MM

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