Total Film

Crimson peak

Good suffering, soon to be wasted…


It’s not even from my butt-hole,” tweeted a fuming Clive Barker in 2011, lest anyone thought that year’s excrementa­l ninth Hellraiser movie came from “the mind of” the series’ forefather. Arrow’s lavish box-set of the first three ’Raisers is a reminder of the quality canyon between early highs and later lows, and a warning of the perils of pursing more for more’s sake.

Even the American-dubbed voices in Barker’s 1987 original can’t sully its subtextual depths. An infidelity in a grotty north London house between pervy Frank (Sean Chapman) and shoulder-padded stepmom Julia (Clare Higgins) offers the anchoring stuff of domestic drama: it just so happens that Frank needs new skin, after his lusts led him to open the box on Doug Bradley’s lattice-worked S&M Cenobite (not yet called Pinhead) and friends.

With Barker summoning still-startling visions and Ashley Laurence tackling the young role with intensity, ’Raiser offered thrilling departures from staid Brit-horrors and teen slashers. The sequel, Hellbound, followed suit – until it didn’t. As Kenneth Cranham’s knowledge-hungry Dr. Channard raises Julia from her sex’n’death bed, director Tony Randel honours Barker’s meeting of mundanity/malevolenc­e: white cotton sits on flayed flesh like hell’s own Persil ad.

Such good suffering is wasted when Randel visits hell itself, an overwrough­t reminder that less is often more. But Hellbound is high art beside Hell On Earth. Third time round, Pinhead stalks Manhattan clubs and becomes a cackling, pun-packing self-parody. The money-driven aim to go ‘total Freddy’ is miserably transparen­t.

The best of the voluminous extras here remind us that Hellraiser originated as a passion project. Barker’s pains were horror’s gains: the long-mooted reboot

Kevin Harley should look to the source. Extras › Making Ofs › Book › Commentari­es › Documentar­ies › Shorts › Interviews › Galleries › Storyboard­s › Poster › Art Cards

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“Just a little off the top today?”
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