Total Film

‘I think you know immediatel­y if you have chemistry’

Alison Brie on chemistry, comedy and superheroi­cs.

- MM

How did you get involved in

Sleeping With Other People? Jason Sudeikis was already attached. I was a fan of [ director] Leslye Headland from Bacheloret­te: that movie is very hilarious. When I got sent [ this] script I was halfway in already. I met with Leslye the very next day, and later I had a chemistry read with Jason before getting the role. Do you get a sense right away that the chemistry’s working? I think you know immediatel­y if you have chemistry with the person or if you don’t, or if you’re working really hard to pretend like you do – which I’m not terrible at. But it was so easy with him. It’s a very frank film. Is that ever nerve-wracking? It was not nerve-wracking at all. Leslye and I are very similar in that we are so open and forthcomin­g. We’re both very open and frank. And we don’t have a filter. We’ve had six Community seasons now – will we ever get the movie? Gosh, I just don’t know. Right after we wrapped the sixth season there was a lot of talk about maybe doing a movie. But then something happened, I think. There’s been a lot less talk of it. I’m never going to count it out. I’m not going to, until the day I die; I will still consider it a possibilit­y. After working with the Russo brothers on Community, did you expect to see them go on to direct Captain America and Avengers movies? I was more excited for Marvel that they have access to those guys. You know what I mean? I love Marvel movies. It made me happy to go, “Oh good, Marvel movies are going to be even better.” Are we going to see Unikitty again in the next LEGO Movie? I think so! Rob Schrab is directing it. He directed a lot of our

Community episodes, and he was an executive producer on our final season. Actually, last time I saw Rob, he was like, ‘What do you want Unikitty to do in the movie?’ I totally don’t remember what I said, so I’ll be interested to see what she does!

 ??  ?? Brie cool: with Jason Sudeikis in Sleeping With Other People.
Brie cool: with Jason Sudeikis in Sleeping With Other People.

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