Total Film

Is it bollocks?

Film Buff investigat­es the facts behind outlandish movie plots.


Can a fire extinguish­er really propel you through space, à la Gravity?


qIn Gravity, Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) travels through space using a fire extinguish­er as a thruster. Would that actually work if you happened to be stranded in space?

adr. gemma lavender, phd in asTRophysi­cs, ediToR oF all aBouT space Yes and no. While it’s true that you can use a fire extinguish­er as a kind of handheld jetpack as Bullock does in a bid to reach China’s Tiangong-1, being able to control which direction she was moving in through space would have been much trickier than how it’s portrayed.

As a general rule, whenever mass – in this case, the carbon dioxide – is ejected in one direction, momentum causes the remaining mass (the extinguish­er) to move in the opposite direction. Bullock was allowing highly pressurise­d gas to escape, creating something similar to when a rocket launches from the ground here on Earth.

Bullock’s character uses it to change her altitude at high speed

– a manoeuvre that requires a lot of energy that’s not possible to get out of a canister of compressed gas. Bullock successful­ly propelled herself in the direction she wanted to go, but the extinguish­er would have needed to have been at her centre of mass for her to propel herself the way she did – tricky to obtain in her situation. In reality, she would have been thrown off balance and spun around much more.

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