Total Film

you talkin’ to me?

Film quotes pose as questions. Film stars try to cope.

- In the crosshaIrs thIs month: GilliAN JACoBS

You talkin’ to me?

I hope I am, because we were scheduled to speak. Because if it’s not you, then I need to get off this call. It’s my first interview for Dean! I didn’t even know this film was coming out in the UK, so this is a lovely surprise for me.

Do you feel lucky punk?

I feel absolutely lucky, because so many independen­t films that you do, never have any kind of life. So the fact that it’s opening in the UK is really exciting. It was a tiny movie, and Demetri [Martin, director/writer/star] did such a great job, so I’m so glad that people in the UK are going to get to see it.

You talk the talk. Do you walk the walk?

No. I don’t walk any walk. I’m very boring. I don’t think I’ve ever gone very method. No, I’m a pretty lazy actor. I pretty much do some pretending at work, and then go home.

You either surf or fight…

Wait… Is this from a movie with Keanu Reeves? You either surf or fight? I’m neither. I’ve never surfed, because I’m afraid of it, and I’ve never been in a fight. Is there someone who’s watching people do both of those activities? I’m that person. I had to choose between the two, I’d pick surfing. But even then, I’d rather be on the sidelines watching.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

[laughs] If I did, I’m unaware of it, and maybe I’ll find out later. At a very terrible moment, I’ll find out that I danced with the devil in the pale moonlight. [laughs] Not to my knowledge, I have not. But life is long, so it could happen.

You ever have that feeling where you’re not sure if you’re awake or still dreaming?

One time, I accidental­ly took NyQuil instead of DayQuil, and I had to go to work, and do a scene on Community. I stayed awake, but it was very strange. Very, very strange. That was dangerous. I don’t recommend anyone doing that. And also, in that episode, Ken Jeong was dragging me around in this dog crate, so it was already strange. So I think it might have helped my performanc­e.

‘i’ve workeD wiTH elleN BurSTyN AND i’M STill SCAreD oF THe exorCiST’

What’s your favourite scary movie?

Oh, God, I don’t like scary movies. I remember being really afraid of The Exorcist. I saw it at a sleepover, and was trying not to let on how scared I was, because I didn’t get invited to many sleepovers or hangouts. I’ve not tried [rewatching it since]. I even worked with Ellen Burstyn once in a play, so you’d think that would make it less real to me, that I know the actor. But even so, I’m still scared of The Exorcist.

If you could change something in your life, anything at all, what would it be?

Right now, I would like to not have any more acne. I seem to have more pimples now than I did when I was in high school. That’s a very superficia­l answer, but I would love to get rid of my adult acne. I got very lucky in high school, and now I feel like I’m paying for it.

What’s in California?

My whole life. We have a lot of things in California. We have ocean views. We have mountains. There’s desert. You can go skiing in California. You can surf in California. I sound like a tourism ad. Come to California!

Do you like what you do for a living, these things you see?

Yes, I love what I do for a living. I’m very lucky that I get to spend my life doing what I feel passionate about. I know that’s a privilege. I was always so amazed on Community when we would pull off things like action-movie episodes, like when we would make a paintball episode. We were a TV sitcom, and yet somehow we were allowed to make an action film.

Only two kinds of men get shot: criminals and victims. Which one are you?

On screen, I’ve been a criminal. I did this horror movie [Visions] where I try to kill Isla Fisher, then I end up dying. I was trying to cut a baby out of her stomach. I was a definite criminal in that one.

A lifetime of disappoint­ment has given me douche-ray vision…

I’m working on my douche-ray vision. I don’t know if it’s totally up to snuff, but I’m working on it. Yeah, I could learn from [Community’s] Britta. MM


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 ??  ?? Jacobs in Dean, opposite Demetri Martin.
Jacobs in Dean, opposite Demetri Martin.
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