Total Guitar


As Paul Simon announces his farewell tour we take a look at Rockschool’s Grade 6 arrangemen­t of this fingerstyl­e classic


Originally appearing on Simon & Garfunkel’s classic Bridge over Troubled water album, The Boxer has been covered by many artists, from Bob Dylan and Joan Baez to Mumford & Sons, who recorded a version with Paul Simon himself. The fingerstyl­e pattern has the lower strings pounding out the roots and 5ths of the chords – an approach often referred to as ‘Travis picking’ after the great country player Merle Travis.

Rockschool’s arrangemen­t maintains this bass pattern and the harmony is filled out on the treble strings. The best way to practise is to go slowly – after all, you are programmin­g your fingers to ‘remember’ the movements, so the slower and steadier you go, the easier it is. If you’re unsure of where the notes fall rhythmical­ly, remember that each bar of music can be counted as ‘1& 2& 3& 4 &’ and every note synchs up with this count.

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