Townsville Bulletin

Zodiac forecasts

- with Jonathan Cainer What sign are you? Find out FREE at www. cainer. com www. cainer. com Dear Jonathan, Last week you mentioned your ambivalenc­e about the impending British General Election. You suggested that not caring about the outcome might help


Mar 20 – Apr 19 Folk fear ‘ identity theft’. If someone steals your credit card number and PIN code, can they really pass themselves off as you? Not amongst your family, friends or colleagues. And even if the loss of those private numbers were to render you vulnerable to financial fraud, it is hardly going to deprive you of your true identity. That is unique and innate. It cannot be stolen. Nor can you lose it. ( Though you may manage to briefly misplace it during a good night out.) But today’s events strengthen your deepest sense of self. NEW! Your in- depth forecast long- range Moon- sign forecast is ready! For inspiring news, call 1900 950 020.


May 21 – Jun 20 You have an extra special something about you now. What the French might call ‘ je ne sais quoi’, the Japanese might refer to as ‘ miryokutek­i hinshitsu’ and perhaps the Spanish might describe as ‘ algo especial’. Ultimately, though, you are communicat­ing something that is beyond all language. You are sending out a message that says to anyone else about yourself, ‘ the best thing to do with this person is agree with them, for how can they possibly be wrong?’ You are not so sure of that? Be more sure of it and it will be true. NEW! Your in- depth forecast long- range Moon- sign forecast is ready! For inspiring news, call 1900 950 020.


Jul 22 – Aug 22 ‘ If the team strike lucky, if the numbers come up, if the stock sells ...’ Our fortunes, it seems, dangle by flimsy threads. We construct precarious mechanisms by which we hope the universe will grant us boons and favours. We do our best to tip the balance of probabilit­y in a way that might suit us and then hope that where our best efforts may not be quite good enough, luck will step in on our behalf. Only rarely does this happen but then, rarely is better than never. You don’t need a lot of luck today. Just a little of the right kind. NEW! Your in- depth forecast long- range Moon- sign forecast is ready! For inspiring news, call 1900 950 020.


Sep 23 - Oct 22 There is an element of the unpredicta­ble about the situation you face now. It is exciting in one way, unnerving in another. You are tempted to cast your fate to the wind yet worried in case the wind is not blowing strongly enough - or your fate has insufficie­nt wingspan. What if you go into a nosedive? Would it not be much more sensible to stay where everything is safe and known? Not if you want meaningful positive change. And that is what you seek most of all now, isn’t it? Then don’t fear your opportunit­y to attain it. NEW! Your in- depth forecast long- range Moon- sign forecast is ready! For inspiring news, call 1900 950 020.


Nov 20 - Dec 20 How can everything be okay in the end? Isn’t that just a naive assumption? Doesn’t such a statement reprehensi­bly ignore the evidence of people and situations all over the planet that things are far from okay as they stand, and look unlikely ever to resolve satisfacto­rily, even during a month of Sundays in a year of blue moons? On Planet Earth, pessimism abounds and there is always plenty of justificat­ion for it. But if you look out today for something encouragin­g, you will have to concede that you can see it. NEW! Your in- depth forecast long- range Moon- sign forecast is ready! For inspiring news, call 1900 950 020.


Jan 20 - Feb 17 We don’t get many opportunit­ies. When they arise, we should treat them with respect, seize them with gratitude, exploit them with intelligen­ce or so many people say. But what if we live in a universe that is both more tolerant and more generous than some folk give it credit for being? What if we can get away with making a few mistakes because we will have other chances soon enough? I’m only posing questions here, not postulatin­g answers. But you certainly shouldn’t allow yourself to feel too intimidate­d today. NEW! Your in- depth forecast long- range Moon- sign forecast is ready! For inspiring news, call 1900 950 020.


Apr 20 – May 20 A sense of certainty is a fine thing. We generally feel good when we have one. Even if we are certain of something that we wish we were not so certain of - or that it pains us to have to honestly acknowledg­e. At least it is still a sense of certainty, and with clarity comes a particular kind of comfort. You feel very sure of something now. Be just a little careful not to confuse the satisfacti­on of certainty with the automatic assumption of accuracy. You may yet be able to improve upon your original intended objective. Your spookily accurate NEW Moon- sign forecast speaks of potential for very positive change! Call 01900 950 020.


Jun 21 – Jul 21 It’s all very well to say that we shouldn’t legislate for disaster because it rarely comes. But it comes to someone, somewhere, sooner or later and those who aren’t prepared may be ill- equipped to cope. That’s what some people argue. But they may be wrong, too. When we spend too much time fretting about how we will cope when trouble arises, it is almost as if we are challengin­g that trouble to come and find us because we are ready for it. Put your negative thoughts aside today. Expect the best and you may yet get it. Your spookily accurate NEW Moon- sign forecast speaks of potential for very positive change! Call 01900 950 020.


Aug 23 - Sep 22 It took a great mind to invent the Internet. To this day, many of the keenest intellects on our planet are engaged in facilitati­ng the growth and maintenanc­e of this system. And how do the rest of us show our appreciati­on for this invention? By checking Facebook and swapping videos of pussycats. We can now search for the answer to any question. Yet we still ask some pretty dumb questions. Now, what about your inner internet - your intuition? Ask it a question today, that shows real respect for what it may understand. Your spookily accurate NEW Moon- sign forecast speaks of potential for very positive change! Call 01900 950 020.


Oct 23 - Nov 21 We might not all attend universiti­es, but in one respect we all think like rational academics. We want to see the world as a place full of logical certaintie­s. If something baffles us, this can only because we have yet to understand some process or mechanism and absolutely never because we are wandering like blindfolde­d prisoners, trying to find our way through unlit corridors on moonless nights. Are you now just trying to persuade yourself that you know where you are going? It turns out that your most encouragin­g idea is right. Your spookily accurate NEW Moon- sign forecast speaks of potential for very positive change! Call 01900 950 020.


Dec 2 1 - Jan 19 We all worry too much about situations that we cannot change or threats which seem far worse than they are. Not only does all such misplaced anxiety rob us of our entitlemen­t to enjoy life, it can distract us from other issues about which we really should be far more vigilant. False fear eats up the energy that we might far more sensibly focus on some genuine possible problem. Not that such a process is happening in your life now. Your biggest true cause for concern involves becoming concerned without a true cause! Your spookily accurate NEW Moon- sign forecast speaks of potential for very positive change! Call 01900 950 020.


Feb 18 - Mar 19 Equal rights now reign supreme. Where once, for example, only the religious were entitled to places of worship, now the atheists are surely just as free to gather and perform ceremonies of scepticism. Does God love the doubtful any less than the devoted? And if there is no God, merely some mathematic­al formula, well, the unconsciou­sness that lies behind such a mechanical universe must be equally unconsciou­s of the superstiti­ous and the sceptical. Believe what you will today. But believe in yourself. You are worth it! Your spookily accurate NEW Moon- sign forecast speaks of potential for very positive change! Call 01900 950 020.

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