Townsville Bulletin

Solution must be found for CBD vagrancy


IT’S time to admit Townsville has a problem, one that is hiding in plain sight.

We talk about how much we need to breathe life into our CBD, how we need a city revamp, how much potential the area could have but we don’t talk enough about the vagrancy problem that is standing in the way.

Reports of itinerants sleeping and drinking in toilets, begging, eating from bins and vomiting in public are all things that need to be taken seriously.

These are the things that can severely cost our business community.

The cost of cleaning, the cost of security, the cost of trying to overcome what can easily come across as a negative first impression to visitors ... these are all costs that business owners shouldn’t have to tolerate.

You only need to spend time in the CBD to be aware of the issues.

Some may argue that talking about the issues will only scare people away from businesses already doing it tough, but if we don’t talk about it, we won’t find solutions.

Police have promised to crack down on the issue by increasing patrols but it’s important that we also figure out what is causing the issues, which appear to have escalated.

There needs to be a multi- pronged approach if we are to prevent simply fighting the same battles every night.

This isn’t about discrimina­ting against the homeless. This is a social issue that affects everyone and one that needs to be explored properly and thoroughly – without fear.

If people are sleeping in the CBD or drinking in public places, living on the fringes of society, things clearly aren’t right in their own lives. They need help but the system has failed.

These kinds of problems are present in most major cities due to a range of social problems.

Walk through the CBD streets of Melbourne, Brisbane or Sydney and you’ll spot homeless people sleeping in doorways.

But just because it’s a common problem doesn’t mean it’s something we should accept.

Sweeping this problem under the rug has not worked thus far and it is time for a frank discussion about the issue and the solutions.

Ignoring this particular problem helps no one, especially the people themselves.

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