Townsville Bulletin



AUSTRALIA’S proud military reputation is under assault from social engineerin­g warriors who seem intent on reducing our defence force to a laughing stock.

This in no way detracts from the many individual­s who have served in modern times and who see the Australian uniform as a symbol of virtuous violence that strikes fear into enemies, but the problem is at administra­tive and political levels.

Only this month, former Diggers were in uproar when they found Federal Government- hired “standards police” removed the word “mateship” from plaques along the Kokoda Track in PNG and replaced it with the more inclusive “friendship”.

These language arbiters are infiltrati­ng every aspect of society, from schools to politics and universiti­es.

The defence force, particular­ly the army, shouldn’t be a place where niceness trumps all.

Just this year, the army was found to be employing gender diversity experts, and Islamic scholars to train officers in an attempt to stamp out “white Anglo- Saxon male” culture.

How exactly is that going to help them win a war?

And never mind the fact this “culture” was responsibl­e for some of the most inspiratio­nal and historymak­ing military achievemen­ts recorded.

Instead of preparing our soldiers for bloody combat, we’re demanding they become social justice warriors.

For instance, compare the following passages relating to warfare through the ages and now:

“The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his” – US General George Patton.

• “A coward’s mother does not weep” – Ancient Roman proverb.

“The Spartans do not ask how many enemies but where they are”– Agis II, King of ancient Sparta.

“If the Section cannot remain here alive it will remain here dead, but in any case it will remain here” – orders given to Australian machine gunners in World War 1.

As we move into today’s military ethos, these are some more quotes:

“A Defence culture that is fair and inclusive that strongly values the contributi­ons of its diverse workforce.

“Defence personnel who are well supported throughout sexual orientatio­n and gender identity developmen­t.” – Charter of Defence Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgende­r and Intersex Informatio­n Service.

“Under the new changes, ration packs should also contain kosher and vegetarian meals to help combat ‘ menu fatigue’” – story in The Daily Telegraph.

“The rules we live by have largely been written by white Anglo- Saxon men, and the beneficiar­ies are white AngloSaxon men” – Lt- Gen David Morrison, Chief of Army.

It is now clear that today’s defence force is more interested in political causes than it is in populating the ramparts with uncompromi­sing killers – which is essentiall­y what a defence force should be.

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LOADED QUESTIION:: IIn waarr,, do we waantt Raamboss orr genderr diiverrssi­itty experrttss??

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