Townsville Bulletin



weekend Bungie opened the beta for to everyone. It’s kind of sad seeing a sequel on its way. A game with a strong multiplaye­r presence will always die once the new game is released, forcing you to buy the new game.

kicks off with basically all your actions from the first game amounting to nothing.

The Guardians’ home base is being wiped out, The Traveler ( that big ball in the sky) is being attacked and all those characters you worked hard on are nowhere to be seen. Wiping the slate clean is by far the easiest option moving forward for the developer Bungie, but it still sucks having to walk away from all your accomplish­ments.

Despite this I gave the beta a crack since its free and all.

It’s not nearly as large as I thought it would be. Much of the game is still under wraps until the full release, but you have the option to play a small mix of competitiv­e and co- operative strike missions.

It still looks and feels like Destiny and that’s a good thing.

The gunplay is still the heart of game and there are more abilities and character types on the cards.

But it is nice to hear that there will be more emphasis on story, given that the first game was pretty light on.

Story moments like, “You’re going to go to this planet’s moon and explore for, gosh, reasons.”

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