Townsville Bulletin



surprised when Capcom announced a Monster Hunter game that will be released for console and PC. Despite originally debuting on console in 2004, the series has been synonymous with portable gaming platforms.

By all accounts it’s a successful franchise, but much of its popularity is concentrat­ed in Japan. The appeal there is that portable systems are hugely successful, so the focus on local multiplaye­r is strong. In other parts of the world we have slower internet so we connect online. Monster Hunter revolves around the concept of hunting monsters, naturally. As you progress you get spiffier clothes and your weapons eventually become taller and wider than your character, yet somehow you still manage to carry it with elegance. With these upgrades you can take down bigger creatures, either alone or with friends if they also own a PSP or Nintendo DS.

My earliest memory of the game was an emulated copy because we didn’t have PSPs. The learning curve was steep, but it was a very cool game despite some weirdness. After my first hunt it was very rewarding to finally craft a pair of pants that concealed my initial short shorts. Releasing it for consoles and PC opens the market to the West so to speak, and more powerful consoles mean more punch to make a better game. Visuals look excellent, and the developers promise a more intelligen­t AI creating a more robust gaming experience without loading screens, if they’re to be believed. Available early 2018.

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