Townsville Bulletin



YEAR 12 Thuringowa State High School students used their last week of schooling to stand up to violence against women, with the inaugural Thuringowa State High School White Ribbon Walk.

Year 12 student Bailey Jordan was keen to get involved with spreading the word.

“White Ribbon Day is important because it raises awareness of domestic violence against women, which is a big problem in our society,” he said. “It’s really good for our younger generation to spread the word for the next generation coming through, if we start to show difference­s and hopefully a change, the older generation­s will think ‘ if they can do it, we can do it too’. “It sets a good example for the future.” Year 12 student Thomas Jeeves said the turnout was a good reflection of the importance of the cause.

“It’s good to see such a big turnout from our male students and our female students,” he said.

“It’s good to see our males getting behind the cause.”

Bailey said: “Because it’s our last week, instead of having an activities week like the other schools, we’re just doing stuff like this to give something to the community instead of just stuffing around.”

Year 12 co- ordinator Kelly Markham hopes the event will continue next year.

“We are in the process of becoming a recognised White Ribbon Australia School and this event will then become an annual school event,” she said.

“We believe very strongly in promoting awareness of this very important issue, men’s violence against women, as it is too prevalent in our community.

“Sadly this issue impacts not only women but also children and the male perpetrato­rs as well.

“It also impacts significan­tly on all aspects of the community.”

PICTURED: Thuringowa SHS Year 12 students Bailey Jordan, 17, Natasha Phillips, 17, Shimayher Ernest, 17, and Thomas Jeeves, 17.

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