Townsville Bulletin

‘ Tis season to deck the halls and untangle the tinsel


YESTERDAY was official Untangle Your Lights Day, today is Do We Have Enough Tinsel Day? and tomorrow is, Where Do We Hide The Presents Day?

I still reckon we roll up the 2,354,981 lights perfectly, and there’s a little decoration that comes alive, and says “I’ll teach those humans” and creates more knots than the Paluma State Forest. Probably the little fairy we stick on top of the tree.

So here we are, election over, now it’s time to put some fun, silliness and most of all, “giving” back into our lives.

Christmas parties in full swing, more likely swinging from side to side by midnight, and those glorious catch ups with close friends that you always finish with, “We must do this more often” and because of the blistering pace of life, we never manage to do. And yes, I’m guilty too, we must change it, eh … I lost too many mates this year.

At your party, why not add an extra seat for “missing mates” – those who don’t have Christmas parties, those never invited to a party because of financial problems, loneliness, health, whatever it may be, and whatever you were to spend on that extra person at your Christmas party, give it to charity.

Maybe it’s only a little, but what a difference it will make. Even buy a heap of tinned food and donate it to Food Relief, our own charity for our own North Queensland­ers in need.

I’m mentioning this early, as Christmas is busy and we all forget, and that’s fine. But any little bit of help is so important, after all, we Northerner­s have to stick together.

The lights are going on all over paradise, and sensationa­l they are!

I’m wondering if you’re like me, when you go to the cupboard, you hesitate, concerned at what may be waiting to grab you, as you grab the Christmas tree. After all it’s been there a year, and who knows what and who has made it home.

The joy of clearing out gecko nurseries, spiders with webs like trawler nets, wasps that are big enough to take the reindeers’ jobs, and hopefully not Rudolf the red- nose python.

If you’ve already called in Fourth Field Regiment to protect you, well done, my mates at the RAAF, flying the FA- 18s said my cupboard’s even too dangerous for them.

As we look at our roof and search for the hooks we put in last year, should be easy to find, there’ll be still a bit of tinsel on it, and together lace up the emotions, the memories, the wishes, for another glorious Christmas time.

Have great fun decorating the house, the flat, the dog’s kennel, the office, it’s lights on this Friday, and we have to be ready. Hopefully the dog won’t chew them. Thank goodness for solar lights, eh?! Happy Days!

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