Townsville Bulletin

Jobs trial with vets pleasing


THE new year is not far away and it’s always nice to have some good news to kick things off.

One such welcome piece of news is that a trial program helping Townsville veterans could be extended across the state.

The program, aimed at finding jobs and providing training for ex- soldiers, has proved a resounding success and now it looks likely it could be adopted by other areas in Queensland.

Townsville is a proud garrison city and this is a fantastic outcome.

Knowing that our community is at the forefront of services that help our defence community is a great feeling.

Transition­ing from service to civilian life is rarely an easy task.

For someone who has spent years in the defence community, coping with the transitory lifestyle, the stress of deployment and the regimented lifestyle, civilian life can come as a shock.

Finding a new job is enough of a challenge for anyone, but when your identity is so tied to being part of the Australian Defence Force, that brings a whole new set of problems.

The mental toll and effect of this trying time on relationsh­ips cannot be underestim­ated.

It’s therefore heartening the trial program is doing so well, with so many people receiving help from the service.

Veterans aren’t always willing to reach out when they need help so hopefully this is a sign a cultural shift is taking place.

The more people who are willing to admit they need a hand, the more our city can help support them.

The defence community is such a vital part of Townsville that it’s only fitting that we should be leading the way in this area.

Well done to everyone who has helped provide vital help to our veterans and their families.

Thank you for what you’re doing for our city.

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