Townsville Bulletin

Shots fired into home


A GUN was fired into the front of a Townsville home, leaving neighbours in shock.

Detective Sergeant Tony Flanders said the gun was fired at the two- level unit on Palmerston St, Gulliver, on Tuesday night after a break and enter.

“The offenders were seen committing the offence and then discharged a firearm prior to them ( leaving) the scene,” he said.

“Unfortunat­ely, that incident occurred during the storm activity ( on Tuesday) night, so a number of witnesses heard the sound of the firearm dischargin­g, but we are certainly keen on talking to anyone that may have seen anything in that vicinity.”

The incident happened about 10pm.

Sgt Flanders stressed police did not believe it was random.

“We believe the incident is linked to an occupant who was previously staying at that residence but only temporaril­y, so we’re investigat­ing those links,” he said. “Everyone should be mindful of their safety but I’d like to reiterate that it is not a random attack, where people are walking into random people’s home and behaving in this manner.

“We believe there are links to a previous occupant of the house and the motives of that are still being investigat­ed.”

Police are looking for two men who may be responsibl­e.

The vehicle involved is described as a white/ silver single cab ute.

Sgt Flanders said they believed a shotgun was used.

There was one person home when the shots were fired, Det Sgt Flanders said. He said the person was upstairs and went to the lower unit after hearing the break and enter, and then the top unit was shot at.

There is a noticeable hole in the window of the unit.

“There certainly was some damage to the front of that residence and that is currently being examined to determine the origin of that damage,” Det Sgt Flanders said.

A neighbour living a few houses away said he and his wife were woken by the gunshots. The neighbour, who lives on the same street and did not want to be named, said he heard two “distinct cracks” and he and his wife thought it was gunshots.

He also had someone break into his home recently.

An elderly neighbour, who lives opposite the house that was shot at, said she did not realise a gun had been fired because of the storm.

“In the midst of the thunder and lightning I did hear a couple of noises but I thought it could have been a car backfiring,” she said. The woman, who also did not want to be named, said a group of young people was living at the home.

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