Townsville Bulletin

Palmer, council in $ 2m dispute


BILLIONAIR­E Clive Palmer has denied his nickel refinery owes Townsville City Council more than $ 2 million and suggested they sue him if it’s true.

A council spokesman told the Bulletin Mr Palmer’s companies owed ratepayers for unpaid fees.

“QNI Metals Pty Ltd and QNI Resources Pty Ltd collective­ly owe Townsville City Council just over $ 2 million in outstandin­g rates and charges,” the spokesman said.

“Neither of those companies are currently in liquidatio­n.

“Due to current legal proceeding­s council is unable to comment further.”

QNI Resources appear as the authorised party for a number of advertisem­ents in print, television, radio and online promoting Mr Palmer’s refinery.

But Mr Palmer said he didn’t owe the council money and argued Townsville ratepayers could instead be forced to refund his company millions after the State Government allegedly incorrectl­y valued the land at his Yabulu refinery.

Mr Palmer said rates invoices previously issued by the council were based on wrong valuations.

“The truth is that council owes money because they’ve been assessing our rates at an improved value and under the Queensland Nickel Act it’s supposed to be an unimproved value,” he said.

“The State Government is now determinin­g what that value should be and we’ve been paying rates at a much higher rate for five years so I’m expecting to get a couple of million dollars back from the council when that’s done.”

It is understood at least part of the debt owed to the council relates to water and waste usage, which is not linked to rates or land value.

Mr Palmer did not directly answer if the reported debt to the council related to utilities charges.

“We’ve paid more money than ( the council are) due and they know that’s the case,” he said.

Mr Palmer said if it was true the council was owed money then they could take action against his companies in court.

 ?? Clive Palmer Picture: AAP ??
Clive Palmer Picture: AAP

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