Townsville Bulletin

Comic’s man- boobs no joke


DAVE Hughes might be going under the knife to get rid of his man- boobs.

The comedian explained on the Hit Network’s Hughesy and Kate show that he’s self- conscious about his chest and often gets teased about having manboobs.

“When I do put photos up on Instagram, depending on the angle and what I’m wearing, I do get man boob comments quite often,” Hughes said. “And they’re hurtful, I won’t deny it.”

And it’s not just strangers who make jokes about them.

“When I was in the pool in Japan my seven- year- old daughter said, ‘ Dad, you’ve got boobs!’”

The Bachelor host, Osher Gunsberg, joined Hughesy and Kate on air this he week and revealed that he once had manboobs but got them removed.

“I had a condition called gynecomast­ia, which is where your body gets a little bit confused and around puberty starts growing breast tissue,” Guns- berg said. “In most people it goes away but for me it was pretty pronounced. My mum took great pity on me and shipped me off to a surgeon and we whipped them out.”

To see whether or not he should do the same and get them “whipped out”, Hughes invited dermatolog­ical surgeon Dr Daniel Lanzer into the studio to examine the comedian’s chest.

“Hughesy does not have severe gynecomast­ia but it’s moderate,” the surgeon said after the examinatio­n.

“When he leans forward actually looks a bit worse.”

Dr Lanzer encouraged Hughes to go ahead with the procedure to remove the manboobs which only takes an hour.

“It’s gonna change his life, it’s gonna make his kids happier, do it,” the surgeon suggested.

Hughes said, “I’ll take that under advisement but it’s looking like that’s the way I’ll go”. it >> Hughesy & Kate airs on the Hit Network from 4: 30- 6: 30pm weekdays

 ?? CHECK- UP: Dave Hughes gets his man boobs examined by a surgeon. ??
CHECK- UP: Dave Hughes gets his man boobs examined by a surgeon.

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