Townsville Bulletin

Most political leaders against all but the Reef


AND so, 90 persons, political and community leaders, the same ones who so far have delivered only poverty to North Queensland, are all jetting off to Canberra for the weekend to discover prosperity for us all?

Forgive me if I sound somewhat cynical and dubious about this talkfest.

We have a Townsville Mayor who thinks that a $ 250 million football stadium is a symbol of prosperity, desirable far in advance of a reliable water supply for the city.

We have those sitting ALP members who mouth the platitudin­ous nonsense scripted for them in South- East Queensland and never seem capable of thinking for themselves on matters of North Queensland economic promotion.

Most of our so- called North Queensland political leaders are anti- agricultur­e, anti- industry, anti- coal, anti- irrigation and, in fact, anti everything except saving the Reef and the United Nations emissions reduction nonsense.

Most of our self- appointed “leaders” appear to have no idea whatsoever where prosperity actually springs from. They think more public servants and spending on inane circuses shows prosperity!

Let us all sit back and see what gross idiocy now flows from this junket to Canberra for our rich, indolent and incapable “leaders”. More circuses? CHRIS SQUELCH, South Townsville.

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