Townsville Bulletin

Climate ‘hoax’ blast


L.R. SULLIVAN, Charters Towers, wrote about environmen­tal alarmists, claiming coal-fired power stations and man-made pollution were causing climate change. This is a grand-scale hoax.

Inigo Jones, a meteorolog­ist in Queensland, knew about the effect the sun had on rainfall and the earth’s temperatur­es that caused climate change.

When Qld and NSW were in a severe drought in 1953, Jones on June 17 predicted the drought would end on August 28 that year, and as predicted, torrential rains fell on that precise date and ended the drought.

Jones also made many amazing long-range prediction­s, among them the devastatin­g flooding of the Burdekin River at Ayr in North Qld.

He believed the four major planets passing in front and behind the sun switched on and off a current of electromag­netism, which the drew from a colossal probably the Milky Way.

When receiving the full charge of the magnetic field the sun became overcharge­d with electricit­y and erupted in electric storms and sun spots and solar flares, which affected the world’s atmosphere and weather.

By knowing when the planets in various combinatio­ns interfered with the solar system and by checking past records, sun field, Jones believed he could prove weather came in cycles.

Jones worked on a number of cycles, of which the principal one lasted 165 years. Despite criticism from some scientists, Jones began issuing longrange forecasts, mainly to graziers and farmers.

The then mighty Colonial Sugar Refining Company got behind the system of longrange forecastin­g.

Some of today’s climatolog­ists plus atmospheri­c physicists and palaeo-climatists agree sun spots and solar flares that are shot into space are to be blamed for climate change.

The earth receives radiated heat from solar flares and also electromag­netic waves, which not only affects the weather but also disrupts telecommun­ications. Universiti­es should study these solar planetary cycles with professors of Peter Ridd’s calibre. RON CRAM, Townsville.

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