Townsville Bulletin

Pursuit of policing facts


NEVER let some facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

After hearing all the bluff and blunder from Dale Last MP on police pursuit policy it’s time to put some facts on record.

Police set the pursuit policy (not politician­s).

The current risk-based approach was adopted by the QPS following two coronial recommenda­tions following 11 deaths in the lead-up to the 2017 policy allowing police to make the decision based on risk to themselves, public and the offenders.

Recently through lobbying for more police, we had the announceme­nt of the remaining 53 police that our Government committed to in November 2017. We are delivering all 53 officers, 18 months earlier than expected.

That will take our Labor Government to having delivered 103 additional police in Townsville since 2015.

Under the LNP, they had a 2017 state election policy of delivering ZERO police for Townsville, yet 20 for Cairns?

The LNP also had plans to sell off our North Qld Police Academy here in Townsville! We kept it and we will keep backing our local police.

Not only is that a concern, the LNP abolished 330 police positions across this state, including officers in Townsville.

We have also recently announced new stronger legislatio­n “Youth Justice and Other Legislatio­n Amendment Act 2019, New s48(4)” which is explicit in its intent to give police and the courts more power to keep youth offenders in custody.

Our Government will continue to respond by holding offenders to account, support victims of crime and also help break the cycle of crime, by supporting those youth at risk of entering the Youth Justice system via Project Booyah, which incidental­ly, but not surprising­ly, lost co-funding by the federal LNP!

I have worked hard to deliver a new police facility in the Upper Ross, increasing police officers from two to 10.

Under the LNP it was all about their failed youth bootcamps, where offenders broke out. Those failed bootcamps cost taxpayers $16 million and resulted in 70 per cent youth recidivism.

Under Labor, the Transition to Success (T2S) Program we have over 70 per cent not reoffendin­g within 12 months of completing the course.

I want to reassure our community of our strong intention and desire to reduce crime and make our community safer.

AARON HARPER MP, State Member for Thuringowa.

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