Townsville Bulletin

Prisoners on move

Syria jihadists relocated as invasion sparks fears of escape


UNITED States president Donald Trump yesterday pledged that some of the most dangerous Islamic State prisoners, guarded by Kurdish forces, were moved before a Turkish invasion of Syria.

The military action against Kurdish-controlled areas of Syria has been condemned as giving a green light to the return of Islamic State in the region, as urgent talks were called to stop the crisis. Britain and the European Union warned Turkey was destabilis­ing the Middle East with its attack on Kurdish forces, who were key allies of the US in the fight against terrorism.

Their concerns echoed the comments made by Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne, who had warned Turkey was wrong to attack the “steadfast and reliable” partners of the coalition against Islamic State.

Kurdish forces control prisons where at least 12,000 Islamic State fighters are held.

Two “high-value” jihadists held by Syrian Kurds have been taken into US custody and moved out of the country, a US defence official said on Wednesday, as reports identified them as notorious British fighters dubbed “The Beatles”.

Turkey’s assault on the Syrian Kurdish forces has sparked fears the offensive could lead to captured fighters they held escaping and reconstitu­ting the group.

“I can confirm that we’ve taken custody of two highvalue ISIS individual­s from the SDF,” the defence official said on condition of anonymity, referring to the Islamic State group and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces that held the captured jihadists.

“They have been moved out of Syria and are in a secure location,” the official said, without identifyin­g where.

Mr Trump said on Thursday that the worst offenders had been moved before the fighting began.

“We’re putting them in different locations where it’s secure,” he said.

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